Looking for Clarification on infotainment screen anti-glare coating “issue”

'12 Mazda5 GT
‘17 CX-5 GT
Clarification on infotainment screen anti-glare coating “issue”

So I have the same infotainment screen issue on my CX-5 (purchased used) that afflicts so many others. I have read the discussions here and the general consensus is replace the screen OR clean off the remainder of the anti-glare coating to remove the marks and inconsistencies, and then put on a screen protector. However, I’m looking for clarification on exactly which surface I should be cleaning/removing.

There is a chip in the top right corner of the screen from the PO. Looking very closely in this area it seems that there is a very thin layer of “glass” that could possibly be picked off. But only one tiny piece at a time, as it shatters much like a tempered glass screen-protector you would apply to your phone.

So am I supposed to just pick away at this “glass” layer, thus revealing a fresh, presumably also glass ,screen underneath


Am I supposed to be removing (vinegar/Lysol etc.) a coating that was applied on top of this thin glass layer.

Thanks for any clarification or guidance you can give me.
A picture would help a lot, but as far as I'm aware, it's just the coating that needs to come off. You shouldn't have the chip or pick away at anything. It should be like rubbing water stains out of a table top.
Maybe the PO put a glass screen protector on it?
That’s what I’m thinking. There is definitely a slight lip all around the perimeter. I’m trying to take a good photo but it’s awkward with the lighting and angles. I can’t see how ANY original screen/glass/display would crack/flake/shatter at the edge like this. It’s behaving like all my phone glass screen protectors when they’ve been damaged. I need to find somebody with the same model so I can see if they also have that lip.
So, what year/trim is in question?
Mine is a Canadian 2017 GT version. I will try and take a photo of the "lip" in question, but it is very small. However, when you run your fingernail across, starting on the outside bezel and going towards the centre of then screen, you can definitely feel it right at the edge. The lip (ridge) is also visible to the naked eye.
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