Learn your lessons Civilian scum

Re: Uh Oh

APEXistud said:
Everything you have said in this post is awesome. With the exception of the Italisized Bold section. It appears that a couple of Anti-Iraq War toes were stepped on when that part of the original post was read. Although I believe that we should honor those brave soldiers that fought in the war. We can't forget that freedom of speech is one of our rights. Thus, telling someone to keep their bulls*** comments out of the thread may have been a little out of line. Good story none the less.

Fortunately, Freedom of speech on a Forums is NOT constitutionally protected. Thus, the Orginiator of this topic has the 'right', if you will, to ask people to keep whatever BS they'd like to add, OUT a topic. ;)

Who cares whose toes were stepped on? I mean really? We do NOT have the constitutional right to 'Not be offended'. ;)
Re: Re: Uh Oh

Darin said:
Fortunately, Freedom of speech on a Forums is NOT constitutionally protected. Thus, the Orginiator of this topic has the 'right', if you will, to ask people to keep whatever BS they'd like to add, OUT a topic. ;)

Who cares whose toes were stepped on? I mean really? We do NOT have the constitutional right to 'Not be offended'. ;)

I agree. While it was a harsh way to ask it, the originator just wanted to be sure NOT to turn it into a discussion about war/etc.