While I wait on the intake manifold, I'm chipping away at a host of little things that need to get done.
The clutch splash shield was not bent square and was leaving a healthy gap at the bottom, and leaning on the header crossover tube.
So I pulled that and bent it back, then RTV'd it in place per the directions (plus bolted). Apparently I've got a new-style splash shield (with the lower center hole), but an older adapter plate without the hole there. I didn't realize that earlier or I'd have drilled and tapped a hole in that spot, but with the RTV and it bent at the correct angle, I don't think it'll be an issue:
Also relocated the batter (uber lightweight LiFePo) to the top of the tunnel to get it out of the passenger floor-board, shortening up the cable runs and also making it easier to put a passenger seat back in to scare n00bs with. I kinda miss that

Also, now that my wife's put some serious health issues in her rear view for the most part (as much as any chronic issue can be fully behind you), she's been making some noise about driving the car again, so being able to both ride with her and have her ride shotgun will be beneficial to her in a big way.
Got the part in this weekend to make it 1 big happy (unhappy? Guess we'll see, but per The Internet, it should be fine) family.
Gutted PCV Tees into the 5/8 line from the VC, both plumbed to a vented catch can. Now only the 1 hose going to the catch can.
The long awaited IAT bung finally showed up, so that got tacked on to the intake tube. Once the manifold finally shows up, I'll make a mount to support the filter.