
02.5 MP5
ok heres my delima guys, i have someone offering my wife (im in iraq) 8500 for her p5. Shes like uhh ill have ot ask my husband because we have it listed for 10k on autotrader. well NADA (which is what always go buy and consider to be the more accurate) has bluebook at 10250. KBB has it at 8500, so wtf how can there be 2 g's difference between the to? and should i let it go for 8500? i just dont know what to do would like input quickly please.

Reason selling we have 2 of them and i want to give her mine, and get another 240 that way were only paying on 1 car. and i can have a nicer bike :)
check edmunds, also. they have the "True Market Value". Also dealer pricing, private party, and trade-in values.
Dealers will always present the lowest number they can find for your trade, hence the KBB value. It's all a numbers game anyway. If they believe they can sell your car quickly then they may go higher. Obviously condition of the vehicle plays a big role.
KBB has always seemed off to me, but as altspace said, dealer will go with the lowest "book value". Years ago I used to routinely go with my grandfather to dealer auctions, all of the dealers there carried around the NADA books. Just have her budge a bit, maybe $9.5k so they know you'll move, see how much they want to come up. What are the particulars of the car? I just bought mine and did a lot of shopping before, maybe it's not worth $10k?
i just talked to the wifey and she is suppose to sell it. we eventually came to the agreement that we want to get out of debt (credit card) and if we sell it for 8.5 owing 4.5 then thats 4k and we can pay off the cards, then when i get back im going to keep my p5, and well get her a truck somthing cheap that way were paying like 8 % on a car note instead of 20% on 4k of cc debt. And plus i want a truck to haul my bike around etc, plus im getting my son (or have already gotten) him a pocket bike so well want to take it places
You should have thrown out the bit about the debt earlier, I would have said sell the damn thing. Congrats on making the sacrifice that most Americans aren't willing to make, you've just eliminated the #1 cause of divorce in our country, money trouble. Now tell her to cut the cards up and never look back, credit cards are just evil. $4k will buy a decent truck, why go back into debt? Trust me, I've been there and had to fight my way out, it usually takes sacrifice but life without payments is great.
Hope this will help... I worked at a Toyota and a Saturn dealership in the past, pretty straight up dealerships. Beacuase KBB deals with milage, overall condion, and particular part of the country, I think they're pretty realistic. They also show three different figures: reatail selling price, private seller price, and trade in price (what you would expect a dealer to give you). They also have a good explanation of what "excellent, good, fair, and poor" mean when figuring out the conditon. We always love our cars, and usually grade it a bit better than it really is, so be realistic.

Dude, be safe there in Iraq and get back home safe and in one piece. Thoughts your way.
SkinnyJoint said:
ok heres my delima guys, i have someone offering my wife (im in iraq) 8500 for her p5. Shes like uhh ill have ot ask my husband because we have it listed for 10k on autotrader. well NADA (which is what always go buy and consider to be the more accurate) has bluebook at 10250. KBB has it at 8500, so wtf how can there be 2 g's difference between the to? and should i let it go for 8500? i just dont know what to do would like input quickly please.

Reason selling we have 2 of them and i want to give her mine, and get another 240 that way were only paying on 1 car. and i can have a nicer bike :)
well i guess the chick is going to buy it we settled on 8750. She has check in hand from bank and i think my wife is just tieing up a few loose ends. but ya getting rid of cc debt will be great and she stresses out about it so much. but ya id rather have 2 car payments then 2 car payments and 2 cc payments with mad %interest.

at first the thing that was holding me back is i was gong to give her my p5 and id get a 240 or somthing like that but we both agree that a truck would be better for us..... only problem is i dont/wont drive a truck for a daily driver so that was my problem but then she sais she wouldnt mind driving a truck at all so im like bam this fixes all my problems so i can keep driving my beloved p5 all the time.

i just dont know s*** about trucks so i need to learn i guess for when i get back. i will want a nissan hopefully cuz there sexy, but that or a toyota truck somthing import, im open for ideas
If you're paying 20% on credit cards you're getting screwed. Call them up and tell them to lower your rate, or just transfer the balance elsewhere. I have gotten my rate lowered doing this many times. Once my wife's salary starts coming in this year we are paying our cards off and shredding them. I will never have another credit card again.
Nissan's are good. But on the trucks and SUV's you HAVE TO change the oil every 3k or else the oil pump will go (not on the latest gen.). I'm not pulling this out my ass, my buddy has been a Nissan tech for 13 years. Just an FYI.
well we sold it for 9k, we paid off what she owed and put the rest towards cards. im in iraq right now so were not in to big a rush to replace it, she is driving mine around and then when i get back i have my cbr to ride on till we find what were looking for, and after much research and discussion were going with a 01+ toyota rav4, there great on gas, and in 01 introduced a 2.0 with 140 hp, and a 2.4 with 160, which is better then there previos 127hp. I wanted something kinda new with decent gas and capable of towing a trailer and 2 sportbikes. plus ive these things are bulletproof engine wise and have heard/read nothing but good about them