k40, the best

RADAR DETECTOR....YEAH I GOT ONE TOO AND IT is pretty dam good...i wanna get the bumper system though...that s*** is hot///

Here with sdmp3 on this one....sorry guys but stick with the best. I can assure you that after having 3 different ones and tickets etc. the Valentine1 is the best (plus no tickets!!!)

ok heres the deal, last night i was on the garden state parkway going to seaside and i got nailed. but, the thing was, he didnt turn on his radar until he saw me, and he was hiding in the f*(&ing trees, damn those traps. but neway, this shows u no matter how good ur radar detector is, the cops may be smarter.
theres no way to pick it up unless its constantly running. cause i picked a trooper up like an 1/2 an hour b4 that, and i was 1 min away from the exit and he got me doin 80....80! thats like the flow of the traffic, yea he had to be a dick so he gave me a ticket. and thats a nice $200 fine right there, but good news is k40 will pay for ur first ticket, bad news is i lost the receipt and the warrantee. but oh well jus a word of advice
You have a point...

but that also depends on the detectors sensitivity. Valentine1 is extremely sensitive, and was able to warn me 2 miles up ahead by the reflections from other cars (this I never experienced from other detectors). Plus the other great thing is that it has the direction sensor which tells you from which direction the signal is coming from, plus how many. Meaning, if they are hiding next to some transmitter other than theirs, you are able to detect that and avoid a detection (cops are sneaky like that :) ).
but honestly

does it really matter where the cop is, i guarenttee you most of the time theyre in front of u, waiting, neway. all im worried is that theyre there and theyre gunnin me. but whatever, i say the 2 best ones out there from what ive experienced and what my friends told me are the k40 and v1, both about same price, and basically do the same ish, just the v1 tells u where they r, even though it really doesnt matter, as long as u know theyre there, ur not gonna care where, just as long as u slow down in time. but again, i wish there was a radar detector to pick up where cop cars are haha. i dunno how, but i wish there were. or something that would show ur speed 20 mph lower on theirs or somethin.
you got a point...

just as long as you get the warning soon enough :) .
For your purpose about fooling the cops, you should invest in the radar jammers. Basically make your car invisible because it scrambles the cop's signal leaving them blank. But the downside is that they know you have it and tail you. Probably the best thing would be the combo of the two: jammer and a detector.:D
Escort Passport 8500 here. I have had it for almost a year, and no tickets yet (Thank you GOD!), and it was tested as the best on Radartest.com . This thing has great sensitivity, and does its job well. It has saved my ass many times over. I have been hit with laser before too, and as you know, the laser you cannot react fast enough to, and it is very discriminate. Lucky for me, I was either going the speed limit, or not fast enough to put the officer out of their comfort zone.