I'm James from the Great NorthWest


2007 MazdaSpeed 3
I own a 2007 MazdaSpeed 3 ( true red ). I am from Washington state and love my car. I am just starting the long EXPENSIVE path to making my mazda a true HP Monster while keeping a good clean look on the outside. This may sound crazy to a few of you but my altimate goal is to find a shop that will help me make my mazda a RWD. I just think it would be so much fun to watch people freek out when the rear tires started to burn instead of the front. Mustangs would not stand a chance!
Welcome aboard! You have some lofty goals, but sounds like it will be killer when you get there! Keep us posted.
Welcome to the board, as for your dream of making it RWD, it can be done as long as you have the FUNDS!!...money is what its all about.
Plenty of guys in Seattle area with nice cars and varying mods. Speedware in Renton has parts and mazdasnw (dotcom) is a local forum for starters.