I see alot of P5's in Ocala....Who are you?


Vivid Yellow P5
I see alot of P5's in Ocala and only 1 or 2 are wrinkled up old people, the rest are young people....Who are you? You cant miss me I am the only P5 in Ocala with Black Graphics down each side. I have seen 2 Blue ones, 2 Yellow, 1 White, 1 Red, and 1 Silver, however one of Yellow/Blue/Silver are old people. LOL
I see P5's all over the place around here, even a few modified ones, but none of them ever wanted to hang out.
The Protege5.com community is a very small percentage of the total P5 owners in the country.
there are also the "lurkers". Those who have lurked without logging on for 4 years, but are on the forums.
I'm in an MSP, soon to be in Ocala...and another Titanium MSP will join me shortly...but we are probably going to end up in Tampa...
I saw and Orange msp in the Sqaure down town last night with a big dent in the rear apssenger door. Anyone here?