Help get a Miata into SEMA and the Super Lap Battle


Team Fail Motorsports
03.5 Protege5
Support your local Sheriff, Savington.

As many here know Savington has gone after Time Trials in a big way. He's currently got a shot at a great opportunity.

The Octane Report puts on a lot of Time Trial events. This month he ran an event at Willow Springs. He landed 2nd place out of a field of big buck cars, many with big sponsorships and a lot of experience. The competition is part time trial, part online voting. The winner gets to display his car at SEMA and gets a free ride into The Super Lap Battle, one of the nation's premier time trial events.

You can help him accomplish this by voting at the octanereport website. Here is a direct link to Savington's page there.

The car in first place after the time trial is a fully sponsored STI with waaay over $100K in mods in it. It's pretty amazing that Andrew was able to be so competitive against a bunch of high dollar, near pro teams, with his relatively budget Miata build. Use whatever reason you need to help him out. Love an underdog? Support a fellow Miata driver? Support a good mnet community member? Show the TT world what a "girly" Miata is capable of?

This is a big chance for such a young and dedicated Miata owner, modifier and driver. Online voting is 25% of the total. He really needs to blow out that STI in online voting to have a chance. You can vote one time per day per computer. With a dedicated Miata community participating in the voting, he's got a real shot at winning this.

What a great opportunity for Andy and a great attention getter for how good our cars are and can be.

Mods! If there is a better section for this post please feel free to move it!
That is a very tame build by the standards most miatas are built to. I know amaff has more into his suspension setup than that. Pretty impressive what he is doing so far.
i hear ya

I'm just posting the link cause i'd like to see privateer Grass Roots driver in among the big 6 figure builds