FS: DaveB Ring Clones

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its in an 03 protege 5 cluster, and yeah its in all the way. push real hard, tried twisting it to find a sweet spot to no success. it will stay in but once i flip the cluster over and tap it lightly the ring will fall out.

the one i put around the tach fits great and the one around the gas/temp gauge seems a little big but it definitely wont come out when squeezed in.
well here's the rub - the set i mailed out to matt were extremely tight, and i tried to loosen them up a little. maybe it was too much... but as a forinstance, you probably got one of the pre-revision small rings and one of the post-revision... the size difference between the two is .002" - about the same as the main bearing clearance - and it makes that much of a difference.
also im sorry to hear about your big ring... i will try to get you a replacement and a SASE for you to return that one. all of the ones i have shipped fit the LX cluster i have just fine, but it's an AT and i think all the MT's need slightly (~.005") larger center rings.

anyone else with a p5 cluster (matt, you especially), can you comment as to whether your large ring had a different fit than the small ones i sent you? how similarly did they press into the cluster?

and if anyone else has this problem, be sure to post here. i would advise everyone to tap the cluster after install just to check. the large rings will be returning to the wider spec.
well the bummy thing about it is that the speedo and tach have a great halo affect but the other one doesnt light up as much
im not positive what causes this, but i honestly think its just a very slight shade difference between the two runs of stock, despite being the same alloy. you can try sanding them a little - face down on a flat surface, with 100-140 grit to see if you get a similar shade, but aside from that i dont know what would help. they are sanded here with 100 grit paper designed to be used on aluminum.
oh - OK. i have noticed subtle shade differences, but i figured i was probably the only one. glad to hear that still holds true.
oh - OK. i have noticed subtle shade differences, but i figured i was probably the only one. glad to hear that still holds true.

yeah its all in the stock gauge lighting. they look great by day! suck s long wait but worth it
dont say anything about a long wait when wagonbacker is in the thread - he gave me a material deposit to start working on some CF stuff right around when i first came out with the vacuum blocks... like 2.5 months ago... hes been patient though, and has let the rings take priority. so just try not to have him catch you saying that.
dont say anything about a long wait when wagonbacker is in the thread - he gave me a material deposit to start working on some CF stuff right around when i first came out with the vacuum blocks... like 2.5 months ago... hes been patient though, and has let the rings take priority. so just try not to have him catch you saying that.
Not to give you a ribbing, but its been much longer than 2.5 months. lol
It is what it is though, you're a hobbiest and you've got windows of opportunity to take advantage of.
well ive been working on it since like march if you want to get really technical. paypal says i got your cash deposit on... april 16. so not even 2 months.

and right after i defended you...
well ive been working on it since like march if you want to get really technical. paypal says i got your cash deposit on... april 16. so not even 2 months.

and right after i defended you...

When did I buy you the mold piece? LOL

OK, enough jacking.
Just saw that mine were on the way, is this both sets or just one? I'll try to get a few pics iafter I put them in.
Just saw that mine were on the way, is this both sets or just one? I'll try to get a few pics iafter I put them in.
both sets are on their way. bschatz, yours are also in the mail... i saw you had an LX so you have the looser ring, but if you run into any fit issues with it, let me know.

fayar i waited on yours for that reason - i dont want to ship you one of the old spec rings in the event you have a problem. yours will be shipped first thing thursday morning USPS priority.
Installed my rings last night. I'll post pics/review on Thursday probably. The speedo ring seems to be a shade too large, but the 2 small rings fit perfectly snug.
did you do the "tap test?"

Yup. The ring is just *slightly* too big, so it doesn't seat evenly in the speedo gauge, but it seems for now that it is staying put. It should be really easy to see when I post pics. The top half of the ring just has a gap; you can see where it's not sitting flush.
oh it was too BIG... and was one of the smaller rings. i was thinking you might be effected in the too-small center ring semi-recall.

push harder:cool: seriously though, just give it a little elbow grease and you'll know when it pops in. sometimes the small ones can be stubborn... it MAY leave tiny scratches in the bezel around it, but i bet you could buff them out if you really wanted to. and theyre totally unnoticeable unless you know theyre there.
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