Fs: Cobb sri


Used Cobb SRI. comes with filter, maf housing, silicone elbow, and all hardware required to install! $115 shipped to conti us

List Date: 2/12/2013

For more info, click here to view the original listing: FS: COBB SRI
On Sale For: $115 + $0 Shipping


The cost of shipping was originally set at $115 which appears to be a mistake..?

Please note I have set it to $0 and it should be updated accordingly by the seller, thanks.

Ps...I will notify the company that provides this Classifieds Service in case it's a system error.
I received the following response from Enthusify / Panjo (makers of our Classifieds System)...

"This is definitely user error. The seller must have been unsure about how to fill the required shipping field."