Front Right Suspension Crunching

Hey everyone, thanks for all the info on the front end noise. We just rolled over 6000 Kilometers and I am now noticing some front end rattles but after reading all your info I'm wondering if its the same thing.

It happens mostly on larger bumps or sharper bumps in the road but it sounds like a handful of rocks falling on plastic - is that the sound you folks are hearing or is it something different?

Frankly, I'm disappointed with the rattles in the car and I know I am super picky about this - my wife says its almost to the point of obsession - but hell - I spent a whack of cash on having a NEW car and I expect more. More than when buying a 3 year old vehicle. (notcool)
YEah thats the same noise we are talking about. I dont know if the lube will keep it quiet forever though. However, Mazda is redesigning some suspension parts so even if it doesnt work they will work it out. Yeah the 5 has been some trouble but I am sure we are almost through it all by now.

Hope most of the picky noises are being reduced. I found that sitting in other seats while someone else is driving helps isolate these noises. I know as indicated above that any seatbelt unused should be stowed in the clip on the sidewalls at each seat position.

If you have a GT and you console is closed (stowed in seat bottom on passenger side) I have seen the console cover get loose and move around.

Some other sourses of noises could be in the rear area with the jack stowage or tow pin storage area.

Any how take a recording of the noises and post maybe we can give some feed back.
Zoom5Zoom said:

Hope most of the picky noises are being reduced. I found that sitting in other seats while someone else is driving helps isolate these noises. I know as indicated above that any seatbelt unused should be stowed in the clip on the sidewalls at each seat position.

If you have a GT and you console is closed (stowed in seat bottom on passenger side) I have seen the console cover get loose and move around.

Some other sourses of noises could be in the rear area with the jack stowage or tow pin storage area.

Any how take a recording of the noises and post maybe we can give some feed back.

Thanks Zoom5Zoom,

I have narrowed down some of the noises by doing exactly as you suggest by moving around and sitting in different seats.

And yes the console is one source that I have discovered. Another was a tool left by one of the Mazda Technicians!! He was glad to get it back and I was glad to get rid of the odd noise!! lol (thumb)

If I can figure out how to get a recording on the forum, I will but I'm not so technically advanced to do this anytime soon.

Thanks again for your comments.
mazdaFIVEmike said:
Thanks Zoom5Zoom,

I have narrowed down some of the noises by doing exactly as you suggest by moving around and sitting in different seats.

And yes the console is one source that I have discovered. Another was a tool left by one of the Mazda Technicians!! He was glad to get it back and I was glad to get rid of the odd noise!! lol (thumb)

If I can figure out how to get a recording on the forum, I will but I'm not so technically advanced to do this anytime soon.

Thanks again for your comments.
the next question is...Any known remedy to the console noise?
Console Noise

Heya Weev

I thought it over and I bet if you put some rubber down on the base of the seat stowage area (that the top of the console would hit when closed) would probably help.

I found another sourse of noise being the inner sliding door panels. Mine was mechanic induced as I had my lock assemblies grease as it is a temp fix for freezing problem I have.

Hope the Idea Helps :)
weather stripping to match the shape of the fold out tray ought to do it.
cheers Z5Z. my new baby is probably getting on the boat round about now. hope she doesn't get sea sick ;)
I too have the Ugly Crunching Front Suspension Noise!

I posted the following message over at a Mazda 5 forum and someone told me about this place and gave me a link so I could visit to let me know that I wasn't alone with this problem. And boy am I glad I came over and joined. I, too, have the same front suspension crunching/grinding noise and this is what I posted:

Hey, all!

I'm wondering if anyone has experienced the following: My Mazda5 produces an ugly sounding crunching, grinding noise from the front suspension whenever it is cold outside and I go over a large bump of some sort like a speed bump or a deep undulation where the suspension really articulates. It only happens when it's cold out, and since I live in NYC and we're in winter it gets cold out here.

I took it to my Mazda Service Center - and my 5 is still there - and they have checked everything out and said that everything is fine with the car and that they didn't find anything broken or worn or anything in the front suspension. Of course, I asked: "Then why is it making such a noise?" They explained the same thing to me that they explained the first time I took it a couple of months ago (see, I was growing worried since the noise was very disconcerting to me), which is that the type of suspension that the 5 has (E-type) can make noise in the cold whether when the rubber components rub against the metal components and in the cold it makes a harsh noise over larger bumps.

They said that whenever I go pick up my car that they will put it on the lift for me and take me under it to explain what they mean. I look forward to that, but in the meantime I wonder if any of you - especially the ones in Canada where it's really cold - have experienced this.

On a side note, my car has a strange tapping noise emanating from the dashboard anytime I go over any size or type of bump on the road at at least 20mph. The tapping is not obviously heard by passengers not familiar with the car unless you pay close attention to it, but it drives ME and my wife absolutely INSANE - especially at night when I like to drive in peach and quiet and all I hear is tap, tap, tap over any road irregularity. They are taking my dashboard apart to try and find the noise since one of their "technicians" finally heard it when I took him along for an umteenth road test. Previously, they thought I was crazy since they weren't able to hear anything, but this time around the tapping/clicking noise was pretty obvious. Anyone experience this?
type of suspension that the 5 has (E-type) can make noise in the cold whether when the rubber components rub against the metal components and in the cold it makes a harsh noise over larger bumps.

I told my wife the same when she first complained about it. Then we were hit by an 18 year old...

(...hope you guys don't mind the link)

...and when we got it back fixed perfectly, including that even the squeak was replaced. I knew what it was all along, but figured we'd live with it. I'd have eventually used silocone spray on the bushings to quiet them down. Good to hear that Mazda's working on rectifying this annoyance.

Welcome, Soulnette, and congrats!
Tapping is the windshield wipers.

NissMazLover said:
I posted the following message over at a Mazda 5 forum and someone told me about this place and gave me a link so I could visit to let me know that I wasn't alone with this problem. And boy am I glad I came over and joined. I, too, have the same front suspension crunching/grinding noise and this is what I posted:

Hey, all!

I'm wondering if anyone has experienced the following: My Mazda5 produces an ugly sounding crunching, grinding noise from the front suspension whenever it is cold outside and I go over a large bump of some sort like a speed bump or a deep undulation where the suspension really articulates. It only happens when it's cold out, and since I live in NYC and we're in winter it gets cold out here.

I took it to my Mazda Service Center - and my 5 is still there - and they have checked everything out and said that everything is fine with the car and that they didn't find anything broken or worn or anything in the front suspension. Of course, I asked: "Then why is it making such a noise?" They explained the same thing to me that they explained the first time I took it a couple of months ago (see, I was growing worried since the noise was very disconcerting to me), which is that the type of suspension that the 5 has (E-type) can make noise in the cold whether when the rubber components rub against the metal components and in the cold it makes a harsh noise over larger bumps.

They said that whenever I go pick up my car that they will put it on the lift for me and take me under it to explain what they mean. I look forward to that, but in the meantime I wonder if any of you - especially the ones in Canada where it's really cold - have experienced this.

On a side note, my car has a strange tapping noise emanating from the dashboard anytime I go over any size or type of bump on the road at at least 20mph. The tapping is not obviously heard by passengers not familiar with the car unless you pay close attention to it, but it drives ME and my wife absolutely INSANE - especially at night when I like to drive in peach and quiet and all I hear is tap, tap, tap over any road irregularity. They are taking my dashboard apart to try and find the noise since one of their "technicians" finally heard it when I took him along for an umteenth road test. Previously, they thought I was crazy since they weren't able to hear anything, but this time around the tapping/clicking noise was pretty obvious. Anyone experience this?

The tapping you're hearing is probably the stock windshield wipers. Many people have complained about this. I had it until I switched to winter blades.
BTW my 5 is in the shop today where they are replacing the Control Arm and the front right bushing - we'll see if this solves the problem.
Redesigned bushings are in- appointment Monday

Antonio DiMarco said:
I actually had my 5 in for regular maintenance and they heard the crunching sound from the suspension. They disconnected the sway bar and bushings and the noise went away. So they ordered new parts. The parts came in today. I'll let you know if it fixed the issue when I get it back. Probably tomorrow morning.

Got a call from my dealer this past week. The redesigned bushings are in. Have an appointment first thing Monday morning. He said it would take about an hour. I'll let you know how it goes.
I have the same problems with my 5 when i pass on a speed bump it makes a crushing sound, i'm gona do a test ride with a tehcnician tonight or tomorow night, i'll keep you in touch with that.
Antonio DiMarco said:
Got a call from my dealer this past week. The redesigned bushings are in. Have an appointment first thing Monday morning. He said it would take about an hour. I'll let you know how it goes.

I got the new bushings installed today and the car seems quieter and believe it or not slightly tighter in the turns. I'll get a better idea if the problem went away in the am. The sound was usually most apparent when I exited my garage.
Yeah I noticed the suspension seemed tighter after the fix - what did they list on the service form as the replaced parts?
I've done a road test with a technician and he said "Oh my" when he heard the sound hehe, they will change the bushings. Any recomendations ? The new one are ok ? Or should i mention something to my dealer ?
I everyone, I just hangup with a technical advisor from my local Mazda dealer, He told me he can't do noting(boom07). The problem is knowned but Mazda have no fix yet! He told me they tried many solution; grease, part replacement, notting worked.
So keep me posted if your problem really fixed.

p.s. sorry about my grammar I'm not writing often in english.
Soulnette: I'm from Montreal too. Who is your dealer???
My dealer told me last week he does not expect the new re-design parts to be available much before next May.
Crunching is GONE!

Antonio DiMarco said:
I got the new bushings installed today and the car seems quieter and believe it or not slightly tighter in the turns. I'll get a better idea if the problem went away in the am. The sound was usually most apparent when I exited my garage.

I finally got a chance to drive the 5 on a cold monring and the suspension noise is gone. The new bushings solved the issue and made the car a lot tighter in the corners.

My hats off to Mazda's development team for fixing the issue and my dealership (Sentry West) for getting the parts so fast.

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