Follow my MAM SS kit install

oh, i see how it is. next time we'll settle this on the dragstrip!

I just realized that I used teflon tape on my oil fittings: BAD IDEA. I wasn't thinking. Hot oil will melt and render useless the teflon tape. I already have some high-temp anti-seize that is safe for sensors, so I am using that. I have taken all my oil fittings out. And of course while doing so the wire that attached to the standard oil pressure sensor broke off, so now I have the fun of repairing that, and when I was disconnecting the gauge oil pressure sensor, the molex connector broke on that... and I found out that the spot I tapped the downpipe for the EGT probe is right in the way of the coolant return line on the block... so all in all it's been a bad morning.
Big news!! I am just about finished with all the major components! All of the MAM shipped kits are mounted in the car, just a couple final connections to make (once I buy a couple more items).

Details and pictures to come. Good possibility I will attempt my first start this weekend.
Nice typo on the last post there. I have put oil in, about to add the coolant, hook up the laptop, and give it a go. First I am going to run the starter for a couple cycles to get oil moving. Unfortunately I can't do any real tuning yet, as my AEM wideband is on backorder. I just want to get it running!
plenty, just haven't posted em yet, going to take a movie of my start attempt this afternoon
well, the durn thing started! I just did a couple quick tests to see how the different maps worked, and now it appears that no fuel is making it into the engine. It won't start. I have to do some real quick learning on how to use the software, so that's what I am going to focus on. I'll get the pics up tonight as well.
I hope to fill in the blanks for those areas other people missed. Plus it's archiving for me for future purposes. The video should be done uploading now.
no sign of leakage anywhere, either, which is cool. Now I just have to figure out the maps. I hope my wideband gauge gets here soon.