Driving music


2017 Mazda CX-3 AWD Touring
what type of music do you play (listen to) when you are driving the 5? this question is especially for those of you who have upgraded the stock with some serious audio mods. when i play electronica/dance/rap music with the built-in added bass, there is plenty of sound. what exactly am i missing with the stock stereo?
if you are happy with the way it sounds, then all your mods are done right? I upgraded the speakers only in my 09 5 as I also have an 05 3. The oem speakers sound like $%$# to me, so i upgraded both the 3 and 5 with some entry level focal components which made a world of difference to me and the wife. If you like the way it sounds, that's fine. Upgrading the speakers is an easy mod, but if you want to do some serious mods, (speakers, amp, sub), some have done all that but most don't since the 5 is a family hauler with kids, etc., and the expensive gear is beat on by the family and related stuff for the family.
my stereo is all stock. guess i will have to visit a car stereo shop to hear what the difference is. my 5 is not only a family hauler but also my commute car. the kids spend less than an hour each day during the week for drop-off and pick-up. i, on the other hand, drive at least 2 hours every day. so among the 6 CDs, only 1 is kid-appropriate music. the music that i find suitable for highway driving include the following: San Francisco Sessions Vol. 6, Art De Rue (Fonky Family) and other Chill/Lounge compilations, basically anything with a steady beat. any recommendations?
Driving music that helps save gas: Jack Johnson albums (To the Sea, In Between Dreams and etc.)
my stereo is all stock. guess i will have to visit a car stereo shop to hear what the difference is. my 5 is not only a family hauler but also my commute car. the kids spend less than an hour each day during the week for drop-off and pick-up. i, on the other hand, drive at least 2 hours every day. so among the 6 CDs, only 1 is kid-appropriate music. the music that i find suitable for highway driving include the following: San Francisco Sessions Vol. 6, Art De Rue (Fonky Family) and other Chill/Lounge compilations, basically anything with a steady beat. any recommendations?
My Mz5 is also my commuter and family hauler when we go on long distance trips, with the occasional pick-up/drop-off. For anyone who uses their car as a commute vehicle I highly recommend (at a minimum) getting better speakers all around, which can be had for ~$100. Speakers are not expensive and in term of ROI, you get a lot of bang for your buck since you make use of it every day, unlike cosmetic mods that serve no purpose.

Regarding music, I just listen to what’s on the radio. I use to play music off my MP3 player but I got tired of the same tracks and don’t want to bother with searching/downloading music. It would be nice if the OEM head unit can support HD radio. My other plan is to build a carputer and tether it to my 3G/4G mobile device so I can listen to internet radio and play music videos (unlimited content). How old are the kids? I find the Fisher Price’s Little People line of music very good –nice production and they are catchy.
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Great tips! The stereo is on my list or potential upgrades, somewhere below performance/handling upgrades. I probably will get to that next year. Have you ever tried to use your 3G/4G device while driving? I assumed the signal would not be steady enough for streaming music. My 3G subscription has wide coverage and a data cap of 5G, and the 4G offers limited coverage but no data cap. Perhaps I can test it on a netbook that I retired last year.

The kids are 5 and 8 and they really enjoy the Gustafer Yellowgold series music (https://www.amazon.com/dp/ (commissions earned)), otherwise they just listen to whatever music I play. :)
Surfing and radio should is fine on EDGE and 3G. Not so sure about video streaming as I don't have anything 4G. Btw, I also have a Slingbox Solo and am shopping for a data plan -man they are expensive and prob going to get more expensive one AT&T and T-Mobile merge completes (mad)
I play Pandora and I heart Radio on my Blackberry (EDGE network) and it is perfectly fine. There really is no point to having physical music store -unless you really like something that you want to repeated. Everything is turning towards the 'Cloud' (as in cloud computing where everything will be virtaul) ;)

Thanks for the link to Gustafer Yellowgold. Never heard of this but they seem highly rated.
I got 3G through Datajack when they started out a year or two ago and have been on a $40/mo plan for a MIFI, now it is $50 for an USB stick. Have you tried "Clear 4G"? They are kinda new and I pay $45/mo for unlimited 4G on a mobile hotspot that supports up to 8 devices. Do check coverage information from their site first and browse around the web for special deals. I got a refurbished hotspot for $20 by clicking on a banner from one of the tech sites that I visited. The same deal was not listed on the Clear site directly. The 4G hotspot gets excellent signal in my office but no signal in my home. I am hoping that they will eventually add another tower near my home. No DSL in my home or office any more because I would end up paying about the same for service that I can't take along with me, and I am on the road a lot. Cloud computing is the way to go, but I can't strap any more devices into my MZ5. >_<

You probably don't have to buy the Gustafer DVDs, since most of the videos are available as partial clips on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mym29jglnmQ
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I listen to heavy metal, black metal, anything that's heavy as s*** and has a lot of anger lol.

I have two ten inch kenwood subs and it is good enough for me for what listen to
can you give an example of the kind of black metal that you listen to while driving?

I listen to heavy metal, black metal, anything that's heavy as s*** and has a lot of anger lol.

I have two ten inch kenwood subs and it is good enough for me for what listen to
can you give an example of the kind of black metal that you listen to while driving?

Pics of where you mounted the 10's and did you lose all cargo space behind the third row? I have one 10 back there and it takes up the width of one of the seats. If wifey would allow and we didn't need the room, well third row would be out and I would wall it off behind the second row. But, reality is what it is, and daydreams are nice to have.

Back to the ? at hand. I listen to everything except country.