DFW Sat FEB 5th

cool deal I'll be there by 8:30 for sure my mazda3 and a silver 2003.5 msp (new down pipe this morning it just throws you back in your seat now, it's awesome!!!)
I might come. I think I'm going to try to put in my exhaust Saturday. If all goes well I may stop by, proabbly will have to take the wife out, but maybe.

what's the weather supposed to be like tomorrow night? I heard kinda rainy... my buddy in the msp doesn't want to come if it's raining but I will be there for sure.. I'll check this thread before I head out tomorrow
lol its dry up here man. I live like 5 mins away and am actually heading up to cheddar's to eat with the family. I'll be out there around 7:50ish or sumthing

the weather is all good. i've been cruising around town and up to frisco today with some of my buddies on their sportbikes and there hasn't been any hint of rain all day long.
what happened?

I didn't go to the one last month, but I heard all sorts of things about the turn out and we were both kinda disappointed at the turn out last night how many cars were there? about 20ish I'm guessing, including the civic with the annoying alarm... really nice cars as far as the ones that did show I was impressed with pretty much all of them
Sorry I couldn't make it. I wasted all day trying to get the damn Apex exhaust in, thought it would take me about 2 hours, but ended up taking 10 hours with a couple trips to the store for new parts and tools. So I had to sweettalk the wife and hang with her Sat evening to avoid sleeping on the couch.

We are going to the meet tonight if it doesn't rain. So hopefully I'll see some of you there or next month.
Meh, I thought the turnout was pretty good except for the riced out civic. Too bad you couldn't come out Jason..maybe next time
ok heres the rules for the meet in April... everyone BUT X-Mazdaspeed-X is allowed to go. i dont need any crap from someone with a curfew! :D jk... anyways the meet on the 5th was fun. i got to meet a few of you i hadnt met before. sorry i was in a bad mood... i was tired and not nearly as hyper and outgoing and friendly as usual but thats life. anyways i really hope to see everyone out in April. its the first sat of the month at 8 pm off 635 and macarthur behind the mcdonalds in that lil parking lot. please dont come if you are gonna be acting stupid and trying to show off with burnouts and stuff like that... (or if you are 17 and like being mean to me). pat and sam your asses better be there next month NO MATTER WHAT!

ok.. I know it's only the middle of the month, but as or right now, is the meet on for april? that would be the second? let me know 'cause if so, my buddy blew some piston rings so we'd have to hurry up and get it fixed (which may take a few weeks if we're going to do it in my garage since we both work)
ok the meet is April 2nd at 8:30ish some people may show up at 8 but im not sure hope to see some of you there
well, I'll be there hopefully w/ driftingmsp, even though his car is in pieces in my driveway. ps.. someone should reply to my urgent help thread :D
I don't think I'll be able to make it out there. I'm gonna be at Motorsports Ranch with my buddy and his dad all day driving the MSP and maybe their racing miata around the track. =D

Plus I get to check out their brand new yellow Ford GT muahhaha

I'll try to be there though!