Dealership Problems


2003.5 MSP
I just got home from the dealership (Brown's Mazda in Fairfax), and I am so enraged that I need to vent to someone. Hopefully you will understand and give me advice on what to do. Okay, it starts out a few months ago, when I started noticing a weird noise coming from the front end when I was in neutral sitting still. As soon as I would press in the clutch, the noise would go away. I brought the car to the dealership to see if they could do anything about the noise. They called me later that day to tell me that they found that it was coming from the clutch and needed to replace the whole thing. Since most of it was under warranty, the clutch would only be 200 all together so i thought what the hell, lets do it. I get the car back, and the noise is still there. I never had a problem with the actual clutch itself, so there went 200 down the drain. A few weeks later my rear sway bar bushings started squeaking so I brought it there to have them fixed under warranty. I also asked about the noise again. They told me that actually, it is a normal noise with these why the hell did they tell me they needed to replace the clutch?!?!

Fast forward to today. I give them a call since the noise has gotten much louder and they tell me to bring it in. I bring it in and the manager gets in to listen. He hears the noise, but still tells me its normal. I mean cmon, its my car I know the noise is NOT normal. We go for a drive and I mention my bushings which have started squeaking again. He acknowledges it and says we will see what we can do. We get back to the dealership, and I asked him if he knew anything about the reflash that cures the hesitation in 3rd gear. He says hes familiar with it, but tells me that I am wrong about the dealership putting a sticker under the hood saying it has been done. We go inside and he tells me that in 2003, before the car was even sold, it was reflashed. I asked him where it said that and he pointed at something that said, "Control Line E.G.I." (Don't know if that really is the flash or if he was just lying to my face.) I asked him if he could print out a paper saying all the repairs that have been done to my car since the bottom, and he tells me that he can't because I am not the original owner? He tells me that the car had the extended warranty, but does not get passed on to the next owner.

Does anybody know if that is actually true, the extended warranty does not follow the car, and he is actually not allowed to tell me what has been done to my car in the past?

Then he tells me that he cant fix the bushings, because the warranty only covers factory defected the hell are those bushings not defective?

Does anybody know what I should do? He treated me like dirt, and obviously did not want to help me out at all. The shop has been good to be in the past, so this experience really surprised the hell out of me. I am thinking of taking the issue to the District Manager, but I thought I would get everyone's opinions first.
As far as the extended warranty, it is not passed on to the next person unless they you buy the car through a personal sale. At that point, yes, it can be transferred into the new owners name. If you bought it from the dealership, the extended warranty is usually cancelled by the previous owner. As far as the bushing... They might be considered a "wear and tear" item. and the factory warranty covers only something that was defective the factory itself.
The bushings are wear items and not covered by the factory warranty. About the noise, if they say its normal, I would go back to them for the $200 you spent on the clutch. Why change it and charge you if they couldn't fix it, then tell you its normal anyway. Before you go to the district manager, see the GM of the dealership first. If you have a good relationship with them, hopefully they will take care of you. Good luck!
The noise when the clutch is out, is it a whirring noise? If so, it's your throwout/pilot bearing. I recently took my car in for this and they replaced my whole transmission. I was still under warranty though. I was also told that replacing the whole transmission versus repairing it was a new process they were using. Apparently saves money. I don't know what the policy is in the US.
I was also told that replacing the whole transmission versus repairing it was a new process they were using. Apparently saves money.
it's a lot cheaper labor wise to replace the part than to R and R the part.
yeah it is a whirring noise. my car is under warranty, yet they still say it is perfectly normal and there is nothing they could do about it. was it hard to get them to replace it or did they offer it?
go to a different dealership, ride with a tech and insist that the noise is new and not normal
yeah it is a whirring noise. my car is under warranty, yet they still say it is perfectly normal and there is nothing they could do about it. was it hard to get them to replace it or did they offer it?

It's not normal. The only noise you should here is your engine and the radio.

As for the dealer replacing it, it was their idea. I took mine in for the bearing issue expecting to pay about $150 - 200. So I approved it for the work to go ahead. I get a call about 2 hours later saying I need a whole new transmission! Of course there was the 5% chance that they wouldn't warranty it because of "abuse" but they had to prove that. Plus, the service manager was pretty understanding about how these cars are normally driven.