DaveB gauge rings/clones status update

R&D for DaveB clones has been going on for some time, and after a long hiatus, work will be resuming 2/9

i am still forming an interest list to give me an idea of what to expect in terms of demand.

i dont know what i can say about my projected rates, but i'm aiming for around 65 for polished, 55 for brushed, and 45 for unfinished.
if you are interested, please post below.

hopefully there will be rings by march but definitely no promises, especially with how this has gone to date.
the official timeframe is "when it's done".

all further updates will be in this thread

1. littlemimus
2. junya1985
3. ganzhimself
4. zoom 79gc
5. bikingpro5
6. jaleik
7. KrayzieFox
8. SCMP3
9. o0n8
10. prdracing
11. teknic
12. jonridinhigh
13. blackmica_es
14. Aaronlux
15. reut1
16. 2k3 PrO RiDa
17. mazPro502
18. bootyliciousllama
19. racerx43269
20. Matt V
21. Jack Rot
22. ornithology
23. chernisky299
24. BlueWolfCry
25. vwtech671
-------------- no promises after this line (well, no promises before either)------------------
26. DarkAngel

progress pics added.
in each of these, mine is on the left, the original is on the right.
my ring in the picture is missing a radius fillet along the top edge, however we did program this to be run on the ring where the machine crashed.
well, it came out on the raw material, but theres no ring due to the crash. i included a pic of the tube where it had started as reference... it was pretty damn close. keep in mind the end of the fillet is the far edge of the ring, the rest would be machined off.
i also threw in a pic of where we had the tool crash. use safety glasses, kids.


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interested but in no hurry
all 3 added. i'm not going to release something unless it's just about a mirror copy, and i'll try to add some pics of what i've got so far. just have to find my camera charger...

the best one is really good, it just missed one part along the top. we added it to just a scrap piece of stock and its damn near perfect but we dont have all of it on one ring.
also that's just the big ring. and getting a new tool would make it that much better.
updated list. just a reminder this is only an interest list. i can't make this a GB until i get AMM, so no deposits, or hardcore commitments.

im just trying to figure out if theres enough people interested to warrant buying another round of stuff for R&D, and the answer is clearly yes.
im going to keep adding people to the list for when i go to order materials when i get closer to production (whenever that is)
updated list. just a reminder this is only an interest list. i can't make this a GB until i get AMM, so no deposits, or hardcore commitments.

im just trying to figure out if theres enough people interested to warrant buying another round of stuff for R&D, and the answer is clearly yes.
im going to keep adding people to the list for when i go to order materials when i get closer to production (whenever that is)

I'm def subbin'. Awesome of you to seriously look into making these. I know a lot of us would love to have some gauge rings, but don't want to shell out the premium people are charging for Dave B's.