CX-5 Backup camera not working

Had this problem a few years ago in my 6.
Took it to the dealer and they upgraded the info system software (for free). It's been fine ever since.
You should get it fixed. What about down the road when you want to sell it or trade it in. Non-working backup camera would be a problem.
Yeah, probably should. The dealer I bought this from is 16-18 miles away. I had such a horrible experience there (West Herr Mazda, Canandaigua, NY) I will never go back for numerous reasons.

The next nearest dealer is about 30 miles away. It will be a PITA.
This is unfortunate, but all too common.
I have a Mazda dealer a few miles away (10 minute drive), that's absolutely horrible.
Several times I've tried to do business with them. Even something simple like buying an oil filter turned into a fiasco. No more.
If I have to go to a Mazda dealer, I have to drive 20-25 minutes to the next closest one.
Fortunately, they are night and day better than the one nearest me. It happens.
It's been intermittent since I posted here last, but I reset the info a couple weeks ago, works *almost* all the time now.

At any rate, I'm guessing they can't diagnose or fix it unless it is NOT working when you take it in . . . ?
It's been intermittent since I posted here last, but I reset the info a couple weeks ago, works *almost* all the time now.

At any rate, I'm guessing they can't diagnose or fix it unless it is NOT working when you take it in . . . ?
take it in
Surely something is loose, I'm sure they can track it down.
I rebooted the system for the 3rd or 4th time yesterday. Obviously, after all these times, that is not going to fix it.

But here's my question: The last time, some months ago, the entire info system was dead for a few minutes after I rebooted it, then it came on and worked normally as I was driving.

I haven't driven it yet, but yesterday while parked and running I rebooted and I couldn't bring anything back to life no matter what I pushed. I just tried it again a moment ago, started it up, pushed all the info buttons, shifted through the gears and back to park -- still have a blank screen.

Is there a way of bringing it back, or will I have to drive it a bit?

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