Carbon Kevlar colored hoods/hatches??


Ive been looking though all the CF hood topics and have seen some semi-decent looking hoods, but I would really like to find a company that will do the color weave kevlar so I dont have a simple CF black hood, but instead a touch of red to it as well. I know this place does it but they dont have any pictures (very frustrating). Not only do they have no pics, but they dont make a rear hatch to match it, which is what Im going for - matching hood and hatch, with red. I know I might be asking a little much, but I have a picture in my head of what I want and I cant shake it, you know??

So my question, in a nutshell, is if you know anybody who would make a MATCHING set WITH color???

Thanks guys.(yes)
Check s t re et un it.c om(remove the extra spaces) They offer a color option for the weave for the carbon fiber hood.
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Yeah, thats who Ive been looking at but they dont offer a rear hatch. I guess I will have to email them and ask if they will do a special favor for me............