Bad news


2003 Mazda Protege5
Hey everyone I won't be on here for a while. My grandpa had a bad stroke this morning (hemorragic stroke) and is in neural ICU at Cleveland clinic main campus. I'm def. out for the fender rolling party and probably anything in the next few months. He has bleeding in a ventricle of his brain and he cannot speak at all. I'll post back every now and again for updates but all me and my family can ask is everyone keeps him in your prayers. Thanks everyone
Thanks bro.

Update: Ventilator getting put on bc he's laboring to breathe and a feeding tube bc of the ventilator. Ct scan came back with no change in the bleeding from previous ct scan (hopefully it has stopped)
Very sorry to hear this. I am praying for you and your family, and a speedy recovery for your Grandfather.
Jen and I will be thinking about you and your family. We hope things get better soon.
Sorry to hear that man! I'll be thinking about you and your family.
Thanks everyone. He opened his eyes a little bit yesterday after they weened him off propofol. My grandma asked him a question and he patted her hand and gave her half a smile. His right side isn't working yet.
Oh s***! Just saw this man. I'm so sorry to hear it. Will keep him in my thoughts and prayers for you. Keep us posted on how he's doing?
best to you and your grandpa! it's awesome that you'll be there with him man, hang tough!
Thanks guys, he's opening his eyes more. Blood pressure is more controlled now and bleeding is completely stopped. They are gonna try and ween him off the ventilator today. Still gonna be a long road.
Long road for sure, but a step in the right direction
Definitely, they held off on taking the ventilator off. He isn't showing the signs he's ready
good to hear. my aunt in nj had a stroke about a month or so ago, it's slow going, but she's out of the rehab center now and back home with help. it's slow going, but slow and steady wins the race, right?

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