AT&T Wireless


Well, With the 40 billion dollar buy out from Cingular, looks like i'll be outta the job in no time. Umemployeement here I come(thought)
Man this sucks. This totally postpones any plans I had for moving out. I hope they lay me off tomorrow when I get into work. I dont even feel like working anymore for a company who just got bought out. Sorry just venting(sad1)
Sorry to hear about you guys getting laid off... The job market still sucks around here.

When I got laid off from my tech support job, we would conference in out phone calls with random places and listen in on their conversations. I transferred two customers together and they actually started helping each other with their problems. I transferred another one to Condoms to Go..

Customer: I need help with my software I purchased from you
Condoms To Go: Ok, which software did you purchase from us.
Customer: TaxCut Deluxe
Condoms To Go: Uhh, we dont sell that kind of software, this is condoms to go
Customer Condoms to WHAT?!?!?!?