Antoine/Xmas meet up in MA on Dec 29th! Sign up ASAP!!!

I hate that when you get married, people hammer away at you "when you gonna have kids?" my wife and I are both young and growing our careers. She just got a promotion and we like to sleep in on the weekends. We're not ready to give that up yet. Whenever we get parental urges, we go baby sit for my sister or we go to a Turner family thanksgiving in Newton (100+ people) then we realize how great it is to have a quite, clean, comfortable house. Life is good!

sorry, been sleeping on the thread, so we're doing an F1 party?

nope, baby shower instead!!!(flash)
I've never been to this F1 joint...Seems like a driving/auto racing based entertainment center (plus beer/food/pool ;) )...Schweet (2thumbs)...What day would be best for everyone?
Boston is FAR from Jersey.

Antoine - wanna stop down for some gbs?
Sure but what the hell is "gbs"?

Keep in mind, I probably won't have my own form of transportation...

As for the MA peeps...I'm pretty sure I'll be available that weekend starting on the 28th!

I hope I get to meet as many of you as possible...It's not everyday that I'll be droppin by the east coast! :D
I'm still in Japan ;)

Yup...I'll be dropping by in Dec from the 22nd to Jan 4th...Is the 28/29/30 still kosher for everyone? Should we settle on a day and local...then we can start a list...get things rolling...times flyin!