Another mp3 player thread


2002 P5
Hopefully you guys dont get tired of these type of threads. Been looking a few weeks at mp3 players and doing research. I really want a small hard drive based player and have narrowed it down. I really want something with a removable bettery, long batter life, small/sleak, good sound, built in microphone (to record class lectures) and something around $200. I am not interested in the Ipod as it is overpriced for me and many features that come with other players are extra add ons. So I have come across the:

Rio Caron:

Really nice, small and sleak player and love what you get for your money. Get extra long battery life (20hrs per charge), built in microphone, easy to use and did I mention its really small? The con's are that the battery is built in.

Creative Zen Micro:

Another nice player but gets lower ratings than the Rio. The battery is removeable, has AM/FM radio (dont know how much I would use that but still nice to have), built in microphone, but it is a little bigger than the Rio and I have heard the touch pad is annoying. Any opinions?
I've actually been researching the same type of mp3 players........I've heard great things about both players, but for the buck I'm going with the Micro. It goes for 180 bucks at Wal-Mart so right there you've got an easy place to return to in the event that something goes wrong. I couldn't find a place around town that sold the rio, although many sold them via their websites. The removable battery is a huge plus for me. The FM tuner, while not used so often, also has a feature where you can record what's playing on the radio onto the hard drive. While this may not get used much it's pretty cool. I messed around with the touhpad at best buy on the Micro and didn't have any real complaints, buttons are big and the backlit design is easy to see at night. It is bigger than the rio, but still pocket size. Also, the rio's pad looks almost too small, like you'd push things by mistake. Both are great players, but I'd choose the Micro just for the ease of purchase and the lower price.
a new 4GB Zen micro is available for 179. i have a black 5BG and it has a FM radio 1GB of available memory for removable memory (like an external hardrive) FM recorder, voice recorder and the normal calendar/clock stuff. if your not used to using this type of scroll then it will take some time to understand the uses. when your familiar with everything its easy. i moved from the original Dell DJ (after it was stolen in my school) and the interface was similar. its smaller than an ipod mini but a little thicker. and the light looks amazing at night or in the dark, with the light lining the outside of the mp3 its just attention grabbing.

*edit* my complaints are simple. the only thing that annoys me is that if you dont have it on hold and you place it in your pocket and the touchpad is facing into your leg then it would accidentally change the song, pause, or fast forward. but after a while it gets to be second nature to just put it on lock. i dont even notice it when i put it on lock anymore.
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I love my Zen Micro.

Rio Carbon gets great reviews because it's so cheap. The Zen Micro is a better player, and has awesome sound quality (98dB SNR).

Highly recommended, it has every feature you are looking for, and is a lot sleeker than the Carbon.
when in held it in best buy it didnt feel right. just felt a little flimsy for some reason. it has a great size and a color screen and i almost bought it but when it comes down to the feel of the player the zen just felt like it had more quality. i dont know why. the zen is supposed to have a colored screen model coming out soon and i was debating over getting it but i finally came to the conclusion of how the screen would be so small that a color screen for veiwing photos or anything wouldnt be worth it other than how nice your friends would be all OMGWTFBBQ about it. not worth the extra money to me.
zverg said:
Don't forget about the iRiver H10!! removeable battery, nice quality feel to the player too.
I have a 20GB iRiver. It's delightful! iRiver offers soooooo much bang for the buck! Better than most, I think. (cool) It's 1.5 years old. 'Love it! Oh! And; their customer support is great!

That is all!
Yo I just went to the iRiver website and those things are sweet. Who wants to buy my iPod so I can buy one of these.
AGR said:
I have a 20GB iRiver. It's delightful! iRiver offers soooooo much bang for the buck! Better than most, I think. (cool) It's 1.5 years old. 'Love it! Oh! And; their customer support is great!

That is all!

The H120 ? I have one, and I love it. I was considering selling it back when they sold used on eBay for 399.99 (when the new color screen ones came out and they stopped making the better classic), but I'm glad I didn't.