Anna's MWMF 2009 Pics


2009 CPW MS3 Sport
Some of my faves:


I just find this one ironic. I did talk to the guy that owns this car. Really nice guy from VA. I forgot his name though :(


We gave this guy A LOT of s***. He looked like he was twelve and just as tall as my five year old nephew.






Here are the links to my pics on facebook:

Part One -

Part Two -
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i did have a pano pic of all the the cars together, all two rows, but it did not turn out at all. stupid security gaurd kept hasseling to leave. bah.
i've come to the conclusion that the black, auto rx-7 was the universe's way of balancing everything out. just woulda been too awesome if it were a manual.

Pictures look great. Seems like it was a good time.

I'm officially psyched for New York.
Yeah and the dumbass took out his own review mirror while he was down there. Oh and also backed someone into i want to say it was a pole.... DBAG!

wtf are you talking about?

review mirror?

my side mirror was knocked off by my buddy the day i got car back while we where doing my coilovers which was a week before the meet, so i didnt take off my mirror while i was down there and second i didnt put anyone into a pole, the guy tried to go around an RX-8 and went into the pole. i was no where near the guy.

So once again WTF are you talking about lol.
Yeah and the dumbass took out his own review mirror while he was down there. Oh and also backed someone into i want to say it was a pole.... DBAG!

wtf are you talking about?

review mirror?

my side mirror was knocked off by my buddy the day i got car back while we where doing my coilovers which was a week before the meet, so i didnt take off my mirror while i was down there and second i didnt put anyone into a pole, the guy tried to go around an RX-8 and went into the pole. i was no where near the guy.

So once again WTF are you talking about lol.

Yeah, the whole pole incident was the drivers own fault. He tried to go around a car and didn't see the concrete pole and hit it himself. Fatti was already parked at that time I believe. It was no one else's fault but the driver's and he even said that. Also I don't think I met one person down there that I would consider a "dbag." Everyone was cool, nice and great to talk to. No one I talked to tried to hide any secrets about their car or didn't want to explain anything or show what they had done differently and how. All in all, it was a great meet except the few hiccups we had (the ticket, my lip and the pole to car event).
Yeah, it was a really chill meet. Just the way I like 'em!
wtf are you talking about?

review mirror?

my side mirror was knocked off by my buddy the day i got car back while we where doing my coilovers which was a week before the meet, so i didnt take off my mirror while i was down there and second i didnt put anyone into a pole, the guy tried to go around an RX-8 and went into the pole. i was no where near the guy.

So once again WTF are you talking about lol.

My bad man, I got this info about 2am Sunday morning. Needless to say all the fact were probably not there (BOOZE!) and I meant side view.


<----DBAG... ask the guy in the S2k Anna took the shot of...
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Yeah, it was a really chill meet. Just the way I like 'em!

I will agree heavily with this man. I was a great time aside from the security guard and the parking garage. The dirve down and back went well. The cars were outstanding and no one ended up in jail, at least I don think they did.
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