2019 CX-5 How do I open key fob to replace battery?

There is a nice way of fitting a thicker (more mah) 2032 battery instead of 2025 battery in that long Mazda key fob 2018 model. Here is how. Take the fob and open it. There are many you tube videos showing how to open the key fob. You will see a cirkular black battery cover, covering the battery. Take it out, leaving the rubber o ring and the battery in the fob. Turn the battery cover to expose the under side (the side that presses against the battery) and you will immediately notice that there are raised plastic concentric circles in the middle of the battery cap. These raised circles press against the battery and make it a cover for the thinner CR2025 battery. Now if you were to take a sand paper or a slow speed dremmel tool and file down the center concentric circles by about 0,6mm, you have more space under the cover for the CR2032 battery. After having done that, replace your CR 2025 with a new CR 2032 battery. The cover will fit over it with the rubber seal in place. It works because I have done it. Hopefully now the CR2032 last longer than the earlier CR2025. CR2032 are more widely available too.
There is a nice way of fitting a thicker (more mah) 2032 battery instead of 2025 battery in that long Mazda key fob 2018 model. Here is how. Take the fob and open it. There are many you tube videos showing how to open the key fob. You will see a cirkular black battery cover, covering the battery. Take it out, leaving the rubber o ring and the battery in the fob. Turn the battery cover to expose the under side (the side that presses against the battery) and you will immediately notice that there are raised plastic concentric circles in the middle of the battery cap. These raised circles press against the battery and make it a cover for the thinner CR2025 battery. Now if you were to take a sand paper or a slow speed dremmel tool and file down the center concentric circles by about 0,6mm, you have more space under the cover for the CR2032 battery. After having done that, replace your CR 2025 with a new CR 2032 battery. The cover will fit over it with the rubber seal in place. It works because I have done it. Hopefully now the CR2032 last longer than the earlier CR2025. CR2032 are more widely available too.

You can also fit the battery without modifying anything, it just takes a little more force to get the battery cover to slide back in place. If you don't want to risk breaking anything, sanding down the circular battery cap is a great way to create more space. I recommend using 180-220 grit sandpaper for this, to avoid accidentally sanding too much material off, and to also leave a smoother surface when you're done.
A quick Google of the question.

in high-drain applications, the CR2025 typically lasts 2–3 months, while the CR2032 can last 3–4 months.

On average, one additional month. For me, not worth the bother.
in high-drain applications, the CR2025 typically lasts 2–3 months, while the CR2032 can last 3–4 months.
That's only for "high drain" situations, but our remotes are not high drain. In any case, 3-4 is 50%(ish) more than 2-3. My regular battery lasts a couple of years (or more)! Given a 50% increase, that would add an extra year (or more) of use. So definitely worth it.
new style (the larger) fob lasts 2 years for me. The old style (the smaller fob) about 1 year. I have walk way turned off.
Dont have high drain and car is far way from the keys at night.

The low fob battery warning trigger is set to early by Mazda. trigger around the 2.9V New battery is about 3.2V
new style (the larger) fob lasts 2 years for me. The old style (the smaller fob) about 1 year. I have walk way turned off.
Dont have high drain and car is far way from the keys at night.

The low fob battery warning trigger is set to early by Mazda. trigger around the 2.9V New battery is about 3.2V
I also have the new style fob and the original battery (CR2032 Panasonic if I remember well) lasted about 2 years. I replaced it with cheap ones from the dollar store and they last about 9 months (Sunbeam pack of 3 for only $1.25 Cdn at Dollarama here in Canada!) I've always used cheap batteries and don't mind replacing them more often at about 30 cents each converted to US currency. I know Energizer are the best but I don't want to pay 10-12 times the price for 2-3 times life expectancy. That being said, your results may vary as some members reported cheap batteries lasted only a few weeks.
Spent 45 minutes looking in owner's manual trying to find out how to open key fob to replace battery. Fob has been used for just on one year, and today instrument panel displayed that the fob battery was running low. Removing the key from fob doesn't show me much. I hate to just begin prying on things. Did search here but failed to get answer. Did say use CR2025 or one poster suggested CR2032 as having longer life.

Thanks for any tips, Dennis.
You Tube is your friend.

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