are you kidding me?
I paid $200+ for that box, its supossed to be perfect for my least thats what they told me.
damn it
They cant possibly know that unless they ran a box building program for your subwoofers, your car,, and your deisred tuning frequency and Q.
If you saw the equations involved in real bandpass boxes it would blow your mind.
The reality is that the sealed chamber, ported chamber, port length, and port cross sectional area are incredibly important to what the box will sound like. A bandpass box only allows for a very small and specific range of sound to pass. This also allows the box to play alot louder in only those frquencies. Outside of that range there is almost no sound what-so-ever. So a sealed or ported box will play far better over a much larger bass range as with your combo you have no clue what range, gain, or roll off you will have. What makes bandpass even more fun is that you can not hear distortion or a subwoofer getting its ass kicked in one. So if you are over driving the sub or it is screaming out for help, you will not hear it and you will destroy that subwoofer.
You can see what you get with the combo but realize that you are better off tuning with a volt meter then your ear with a bandpass. Otherwise I would ebay that sucker before you end up needing new subs.
I am not saying you wont like the sound, you very well might. I am saying that a well constructed ported box, which needs to be likewise matched to the sub, will dominate it.
Bandpass are loud and thats about it. Not really anyone that even consideres SQ would bother with them any longer.