12 miners dead-CNN just on


The Cheat Says.....
Mazda, RX8
CNN is now reporting that only 1 made it out alive, the other 12 are dead.

My god.
OMFG...what a horrible horrible tragedy....these people thought that their loved ones were alive...that only 1 died....turns out it was the opposite....that only one survived...

How the hell does a mixup like that occur? I can't even begin to imagine what is going through those people's minds...absolutely horrible. Horrible.
Can understand to a degree how it can occur, they are emotion so news that they have been found can quickly turned to alive. :(

ChopstickHero said:

Turn on CNN now or MSNBC they just had a press conf with the company and and others.

The report was not correct, 12 more were found, 1 is alive and in the hospital in critical condition.

Damn the press for concentrating to much on finger pointing, who cares at this point. The press for all people know could have jumped the gun and misunderstood what was said.

But is now offical stated that 13 found, 12 dead, 1 in critical condition.