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  1. A

    Where do you draw the line on harrassment?

    Linux still doesn't get all the pain and suffering he caused. If you have a leaky faucet and you don't want it to leak anymore, fix it. IE, if you don't want all the drama with me, fix me.
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    Where do you draw the line between avoiding the subject

    Oh I know why we're finished! Because you can't treat me like I am special. That's why! [ oh god I will be editing posts for the next 5 years... -enry ]
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    Where do you draw the line between avoiding the subject

    It seems like everything he does is WRONG! From his porn looking habits, to how he manages money, to how he treats me. s***, my dog could do a better job being a human being.
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    I'm like Linux's porn habit, I never go away.
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    Where do you draw the line between avoiding the subject

    You people don't get it. [YET ANOTHER @#$@!#$ INAPPROPRIATE COMMENT DELETED BY ENRY ARGHHHHHH @#$%!@#$*)%)!@#$*(!@$]
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    Where do you draw the line between avoiding the subject

    Hello! People get psycho on you when you don't spend time with them and spend all it on the car!
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    Why is this?
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    Where do you draw the line between avoiding the subject

    There is more to life than a car. If you don't like what he has to say, fine. but don't mess with him about his beliefs. you can always try to teach someone something.
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    Skinny Blue

    You really wouldn't know my personality from being on this site. I seem like a b****, which I am in here.
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    Skinny Blue

    It's kind of hard to do that. By the way, I am NOT fishing for complements, I just wanted to know what he thought. It's sooo difficult to think of yourself as attractive when you dealt with your mate for 9 + months thinking you are a huge whale. I dealt with it until I lost most of the...
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    Skinny Blue

    so what's your opinion of the pic? Did you like what you saw?
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    Skinny Blue

    Send me a link of the pic you are talking about I am determined to put a nice one of me out there
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    Skinny Blue

    Like I said, I'm not supermodel or skinny chic, but most men tell me I have super legs and a nice set of boobies.
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    Skinny Blue

    Yeah, I probably have lost another 10-15 pounds since then. I am NOT skinny. I have more muscle than fat though so I'm no twinkie eater. YOU SAW THOSE???? Oh my gosh!!! Did you really see thOOse?
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    Skinny Blue

    Just curious, what pics have you seen of me to not think I am who I said I am. (is that a line from an eminem song?)
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    Skinny Blue

    Are you trying to be funny? The most recent one Linux has is the picture of me, him, and Saella. That picture was taken in March. Ok, I may not be a supermodel, but I have a killer bod, like boobie and legs. I am pretty cute too, I should change my screenname to Cutiepie or something. If...
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    Where do you draw the line on harrassment?

    You still don't get the point: Why should he have all the fun? Why can't I be the one blowing all my money into my Explorer and go out crusing all the time instead of being at home with the baby? Get the drift? Why shouldn't he have to pay consequences just because he's the guy? If he...
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    Where do you draw the line on harrassment?

    the kid is a huge problem. He dumps her on me all the time. Yes, I am the mother but for heaven's sake, put down the computer and car and take care of her more ofter. Days and times he cares for her: M,T,W 9 am to 2 pm. THE REST OF THE TIME I HAVE TO TAKE CARE OF THE CHILD while he goes...
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    Where do you draw the line between avoiding the subject

    Far too personal references removed by moderator
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    Check out my cool new avitar!
