2019 has a little over 50k and we plan on keeping it another couple years. Plan on having a drain/fill on the ATF next dealer visit (that's if the dealer will do it, if not Indy shop) along with changing the coolant to the newer fluid that protects against corrosion better.
Question -- should the filter be changed? If so is the filter easily accessible, don't have to drop the pan or anything that severe. Also, can it be any filter or are there requirements like the tranny fluid, only Mazda OEM. Would this be a filter a competent Indy shop would have if I have to go that route?
Question -- should the filter be changed? If so is the filter easily accessible, don't have to drop the pan or anything that severe. Also, can it be any filter or are there requirements like the tranny fluid, only Mazda OEM. Would this be a filter a competent Indy shop would have if I have to go that route?