Running Boards_CX-9


2010 CX-9 AWD
I'm new to this group. I just got my 2010 CX-p AWD a week ago and wanted to know if a running board can be installed? I've looked on Mazda's website and can't seem to find any information. If you or anyone you know as installed one, can you please send me pictures?
One major reason against such a product is the bottom edge of a CX9 door is very low.
Not only that it won't look good, but it will be too low to be useful.
Mazda has factory Nerf bar in Canada. You can go to Mazda Canada site and see the accessory pages.
I can't see running boards working on the CX-9. If you look at the doors, they extend very low, well below the door sills and around the bottom of the car. If you could mount running boards they would have to be very low and would kill your ground clearance. The wrap-around doors are nice in that they keep the door sills dirt to get on your pants legs when you enter/exit the car. The downsides are that the door is very low...sometimes leading to clearance issues if you're parked next to a high curb or other object. I've also noted that the doors really transmit splash sounds when driving through puddles or slush. I guess another downside is that you can't fit on running boards, but it really isn't such a high car to climb into. (The Ford Flex is the only other car I've noticed with a similar door design.)
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See the pic. Does it look good to you?
It seems too low to be useful to me....


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