2016 CX-9 Battery replacement -- need to register?

The battery on my 2016 GT has died and I'm considering DIYing it. This will be my first try at a battery installation so I've got some CX-9 specific questions.

First, skip the AGM and go with a traditional battery?

Second, I don't need to register or program the battery after installation, correct? If I understand correctly, you only need to register a new battery on a vehicle with a start/stop system, right?
It's a Mazda not a BMW lol jk

If I remember correctly, roll the window all the way down, then all the way up and hold for 10sec(?). It should reset and work properly
Ah, okay. My other car is a VW so I just automatically assume a scan tool is involved :)

Thanks for all the help!
If you get to pick your battery, look at the date code. That is a sticker with four digits, the month and year of manufacture. Get the freshest battery in the rack. Look for the right size battery, group 35, with the highest CCA cold cranking amps. It'll cost a little more and it'll last longer. If you shop at Costco, they have very good prices on Interstate batteries, but you must do all the work yourself. You may need to notch the plastic sleeve the battery sits in to let one with a handle fit...not a big problem.
If you get to pick your battery, look at the date code. That is a sticker with four digits, the month and year of manufacture. Get the freshest battery in the rack. Look for the right size battery, group 35, with the highest CCA cold cranking amps. It'll cost a little more and it'll last longer. If you shop at Costco, they have very good prices on Interstate batteries, but you must do all the work yourself. You may need to notch the plastic sleeve the battery sits in to let one with a handle fit...not a big problem.
Thanks for the tip. I'd like to make it down to Costco today but I'm not sure it's in the cards. I'll probably do EverStart from WalMart unless someone can convince me the Advance/AutoZone/OReilly version is worth the extra $100 (all batteries are 640CCA and Group 35).
I replaced my 2018 CX9 GT AWD's battery at the dealer 10 months ago. No programming involved.

The new, Mazda OE battery has since leaked all over the battery tray and made a crusty mess. I assume it was over-filled at the factory. It's worth mentioning that the original battery never leaked though it did fail a battery test when it was 4 years old.

For this reason (the leaking), I'll likely go sealed / AGM next time.
It's hard to make a good photo of a properly filled battery cell. The new battery should have been correctly filled with dilute sulfuric acid electrolyte before it is sold. After that the water does vaporize slowly out of the dilute acid and needs to be replenished with distilled or demineralized water. Open the cell caps. You'll see a tube going part way down, and the tube has a slot across its bottom. When the fluid level is right at the bottom of the tube you'll see the meniscus of the fluid, a curve of the upper surface. This is the correct level; touching the end but not up in the tube. Any amount of electrolyte above the plates is OK. Exposed plates will shorten the battery's life; it needs water now. Bringing the level up to the bottom of the tube gives some reservoir for the normal loss of water.

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