Mazda Welcome Kit. You get one?

No, never received one either! Anything important inside? You must be some VIP for Mazda! :)
A bunch of stuff:

Booklet with the photo history of Mazda
Helpful hints guide
Give your CX5 the best booklet
Sirius booklet
Mazda Extended Confidence Brochure

All in a nice box.
I got one few weeks back. It's bunch of premium looking brochures neatly packaged and personalized.
Funny how I didn't get one for my 3 year financed CX-5, meanwhile my gf got one for her 3 year lease CX-5.
When we purchased in 2012 they sent us a bonzai tree, still have it actually.
When I bought my P5 in 2001 I got a box like that. It had a LED keychain, a lanyard, some stickers, an extra key, and a couple brochures full of accessories like the bumper cover and the all weather cargo mat.

lol the car is long gone, but the keychain still lights up.
Yup, got mine a few weeks ago. Elegantly wrapped in a nice little box, and personalized with my name on the cover letter. Geez, was hoping they'd include a few coupons for tire rotations or discounts on parts such as oil filters and Mazda Moly oil.......but anyways, was a good gesture on Mazda'a part to welcome a first time Mazda owner such as yours truly.
Well this sucks, I didn't get one yet, just bought mine about 4 weeks ago. Maybe I'll still get one. That is at least more then my friend got when she bought her Mercedes. She got a cake. lol
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Got a kit about 2 months after I bought my 2016 mazda6. Don't recall getting one for the CX-5 though back in 2012.
I got one few weeks back. It's bunch of premium looking brochures neatly packaged and personalized.

Premium brochures beg for a premium dumpster so they don't look out of place when you throw them away. Call me cynical, but all that "premium" crap gives me the willies. I just want a well-engineered and well built car that drives right, is comfortable, fun and reliable.

And that I have.
Just bought my 2016 CX-5 GT, hopefully we see one of these.

Anyone got pics of the stickers?

Yep...I got one with my new 2015 this past May! Here is a sample of what is in it along with the stickers. A Black Set and a White Set. No biggee.......but a nice touch. (2thumbs)


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Premium brochures beg for a premium dumpster so they don't look out of place when you throw them away. Call me cynical, but all that "premium" crap gives me the willies. I just want a well-engineered and well built car that drives right, is comfortable, fun and reliable.

And that I have.

Complete agreement. Put the money in the CAR.