Wiil not be around for a while!


None right now
Hello everyone JUst a line to tell all I talk to that I will not be around for a while My wife just left me two weeks ago and I got to work my ass off to pay my bills So I hope every one is safe and keep Driving I will have another Mazda some time I hope. Thanks to everyone on here Bye for now Chris
just an update! She moved out on Friday and oh course took the Mazda so If any one see's a silver mazda protege with two antenna's on the back glass that is her honk and shot her the finger if you would she destroyed my life and my daughter's it is not fair. Thanks everyone take care and be safe. Chris
hope you're doing well too.....I haven't seen the P5, but will send the sign language for you if I do. Not sure how close Dover is to the Philly area, but if you want to hit up one of our meets just drop me a PM, and maybe I can pick you up (or another PA member) so you can still hang with us.