why low beam bulbs are a pain in the ass

My bulb clip fell off after i went over a railroad track the other night and it was a huge pain the arse to fish it out of the surround with only the light off a lighter. Looking at in the morning i realized the guy who owned the car before me put the wrong screw to hold the clip in. Bastard
My passenger side bulb is going or loose cause alot of the time when I turn the lights on it doesnt come on. So I use my automotive skills (hit it hard twice) and it comes on. Its alot easier than fixing it.
It wasn't that bad for me. The only problem I ran into was not realizing that there was an adapter on it and trying to put a new bulb in without the adapter. At the time it seemed way to stupid of a design idea for there to be adapter so I didn't even consider the possibility until having to look it up online.
I jsut did this same thing the other night and I have to agree the pass side was a complete beating
i agree that the p5 bulbs suck ass to replace...but all this bitching really isnt necessary. ive changed mine three times (2 of the 3 were one bulb changes, third was a new set of 4000Ks) and i replaced the passenger one at night with a flashlight...granted it was a pita, but oh well...ya learn to deal with it
I guess I got lucky, I just replaced my stock bulbs with silverstars and it wasn't too big of an ordeal. I just used a pair of pliars, and wiggled them while pulling. Took me a little while to figure out exactly how they were mounted, then it wasn't too bad.

I was wondering how do you adjust the beam? my headlighs feel a little low, is there an adjustment for this?
I did it in 30 secs, at midnight, in a blizzard, with no light at all, with one arm broken, whilst standing on my head and supping a beer.

falsedawn said:
I did it in 30 secs, at midnight, in a blizzard, with no light at all, with one arm broken, whilst standing on my head and supping a beer.


Folks, we have a winner........ (first) (band2)
Anyone find a bulb that doesn't blow in 5 months? My sylvania silverstar just blew the driver side after only a few months...
changed my bulbs yesterday, and i didn't read this beforehand so i didnt take off the black adapter, and i just tried to get the connection in without it.. finally i figured it out and my silverstars are good to go (cheers)
People, if you want a bulb that is not going to go out prematurely, USE THE STOCK ONES! 90% of people I talk to are still running stock bulbs. They provide decent ilumination and a great beam pattern, and the dont blow up! I've had my car for almost 3 years and I'm still on both the stock bulbs.
anarchistchiken said:
People, if you want a bulb that is not going to go out prematurely, USE THE STOCK ONES! 90% of people I talk to are still running stock bulbs. They provide decent ilumination and a great beam pattern, and the dont blow up! I've had my car for almost 3 years and I'm still on both the stock bulbs.
agreed. I messed with "cool" bulbs and learned my lesson prob. about 2 years ago. Stockers are still going strong.

Anyone want to buy some "cool blue" h3's for the fogs?
anarchistchiken said:
People, if you want a bulb that is not going to go out prematurely, USE THE STOCK ONES! 90% of people I talk to are still running stock bulbs.

I feel you.
But the stocker blew a while back and I replaced them with Silverstars which have never blown for years on any other of my cars. So I got them for the P5. Then the other day the driver blew and so I replaced just the driver since the passenger was still pretty new.

Next time, oem's. I don't have time for this.
ive got apc 4000K in my p5, ive had em for like 2.5-3 months, and they are a big improvement over the stockers...and considering they were only $20 for a pair, if they blow in 2 more months, i dont mind. i saved my stockers for when they do go
i had some "xenon" bulbs too... they were terrible! i really liked the color but the brightness was like 75% of stock light so i took them out after about 2 weeks