So waddya think guys? One more shot at this?
I've replaced the ECU, it runs fine now with just the Unichip, but I am still hesitant to install it. I sent it off to John to check it over, and he said it is working fine, so I know there's no problem there. So maybe disconnect the Unichip, install the J&S and see what I get?
Should I even try to plug the unichip in? It ran once before with the unichip, it just didn't start up right, it would backfire every time I quit cranking it. Then after a couple starting attempts it would fire up. So I took the J&S out, and it started and ran fine.
I decided the problem may have been the shop that installed it, and their "quality" of work. So I took it to a new friend's performance shop, he's a reputable guy with a bunch of good builds under his belt. I helped him install it, and we got it all soldered in, we just used power, ground, ignition, and the knock sensor, and it would crank but wouldn't start. So we checked injectors, coils, everything we could think of and it wouldn't start. So our last option was maybe it was the ECU. So I bought a new ECU, and with the J&S, and Unichip disconnected it started up and ran fine, with the exception of the hesitation from the stock ECU.
So at that point I decided to install the Unichip. After the install it ran okay, but it still kind of hesitated, so I assumed maybe it was because the ECU was unflashed. I found a member here saying he may be able to flash it (turns out he'd be getting a lot of business

), so I sent him my ECU and he gave it the updated MSP flash. I got it back, and as of right now the car is running great.
I am just unsure as to whether I want to install this thing and chance it one more time...