Who The Hell Is Stew Pidassel


this jerk off came out of no where sending me e-mails to my work address telling me that my car is a hunk of s*** and that I am making all mazda owners look bad and that i should nto be driving it looking the way it is .. he is on the west coast ..and he refuses to send me picts of his car that he says is all that and a bag of doritos.... his e-mail address is stewpidassel2001@yahoo.com ... does anyone know who this s*** bag is and if so ..help me shut his s*** flap from talking s*** :wtf: :wtf: :mad: (rant) (flame2) (bicker) (nuts)
It's rather close to Stew Pidasso, aka stupid a$$hole. Just someone being a dick. Set the email address to junk/Bulk email and forget about them. Just someone being stupid.
oh my mp5raycer are you gonna tell me you don't konw Jack Mahogof either?

and no I don't know who is sending you bad e-mails. Sorry
It's the Bob & Tom Show!!!

MP5Raycer said:
ok why is no one replying .. does not one know him or what

They are all names people use for joke pages. You call a public place (mall, airport, train station, etc) and ask them to page some one like Wilma Fingerdoo. Big joke. Bart Simpson humor. Basis for the song "Paging Richard Smoker" by the Bob & Tom Band.

Block the jerk's mail and he'll get tired of it and go away. Jim