Where does your mazda live? The garage thread!

Sometimes at home...

you can see the bf's car is safe...

Nice set of cars. I wish the MS3 came in that blue color, sigh.
Winning Blue FTW!!!
He takes such good care of his car too... so it still looks brand new!! and it's an 04!!

we're a mazda family <3
I've only got a single car garage and the mustang lives in that stable. I'm afraid my speed 3 is relegated to what ever mother nature decides is coming.
kbzon you're such a dick man. The garage looks great, tons of room.... so jealous. I've got a one car, that currently holds a smaller craftsmen wheeled tool chest, three bikes, one 12' kayak, virtually a coffin of storage, and a car. Barely room to move but I make it work. If I had your garage, i'd run around my car with my arms out like an eagle for the first solid hour.