What do you all do?????


04 Mazda RX-8
Vendors , i would like to hear what you all do as well in this situation. but i really want to here from everyone

What do you all do when you order a part and it is on backorder. Do you cuss the company that sold it to you?
Do you cuss the company that makes the product?
Do you ask for a refund and buy another part?
Do you just wait because you got a good deal on the part?

My company runs 7 retail websites and deal with over 40,000 products and over 4000 different wheels. Occasionally some of the companies that i deal with sell out of a certain part and thus it goea on backorder. I constantly hear customers b**** about backorders. It gets old quick, vendors back me up here. My rant is about me taking the heat because a manufacturer sells out of a product. I have over 1.5 million sq feet of warehouse space and it is alway full but i can only stock so much of every product. While i wait for more to come in i drop ship the products to save the customer some time.
Sorry but i just have to vent, im tired of hearing people b**** about vendors because a product is on backorder or a container is late (boats can only cross the ocean so fast). I know that as a consumer backorders and having to wait on your product is no fun. But that is the life of aftermarket parts and accessories.
Sorry, its christmas and customers are buggin the gell out of me and i just had to vent. Thanks for reading.
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"What do you all do when you order a part and it is on backorder. "

Why not contact the customer and tell them the part is on back order and give them an honest estimate on shipping time then provide them with the option to cancel their order?

Seems simple enough no?
You know what the problem is - it is an instant society. When we want something, we want it now. We (as consumers) move quickly on purchases and not having it in stock can be frustrating.

I agree with you though, you can only stock so much. If a reasonable timeframe is explained, all is well. I ordered some parts last week from a vendor and they told me that the part was being produced and shipped for next week. I am fine with that. :D

The only thing I wish they had told me was that the part was Back Ordered before I gave them my money!

As long as everyone is honest in the situation I have no issues as a consumer with waiting for something :D
if we know the parts on back order or when we try to order it its on backorder we call the customer and see what they want to do. I always find out when th emanufacturer thinks they will have it and tell the customer that as well. i was just trying to vent and see what you all do when you order something and it ends up backordered
i hate having to have customers wait on stuff but if they want it and the manufacturer is out of it then my hands are tied and i generally end up taking the cussing for it
I, personally would be patient for the product, instead of starting mulptple threads bitching about not getting the product. *cough* Ceej*cough*. Especially if I was getting a good price on it....
From the sounds of it, you run the type of company that we all should use - an honest one. :D

I used to experience the same thing in retail when people would come in and rip a strip off me for not having something in stock. The weather outside would be horrid but still they expect the shipments to be there so they could buy their useless crap!

But what can you do? LOL

I found myself in that position today when I wanted to buy something that was in short supply, I felt like lecturing the clerk on why it wasn't there. I then remembered my days in that position and decided I can live without it until I see it sitting on the shelf some other time.

When I wanted to vent about customers I used to watch the movie CLERKS!

Favorite line - 'This job would be great if it wasn't for the f#*%ing customers!'
i love that movie. if i could i would stock 20 of everything but in retail thats just not feasable.
naveed, i try to be honest with the customers because i believe it builds better customer relations with is better for everyone involvved, but when my manufacturers tell me one date and then it turns out wrong, it look to the customer like i lied. it sometimes seems like a no win situation.....
the worst was years ago when i worked at toys r us, talk about irate customers if you were out of stuff..... damn, that was a rough time.
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Of course you can stock 20 of everything, that is why they call it; stock.

In this day and age the customer wants an order fast, because he/she knows that companies can order the day the customer calls them, they can call (if they are on the ball) the manufacturer right then. IF the product is on backorder then they should tell the customer THAT DAY by E mail or other means.

But what most companies do is they wait till the customer calls three or four weeks after the order has been made to tell them that the part is on back order.

KYREDP5 said:
I, personally would be patient for the product, instead of starting mulptple threads bitching about not getting the product. *cough* Ceej*cough*. Especially if I was getting a good price on it....

*cough*bite me*cough*one thread* cough asshole*cough*see my other comments above*cough*
Hmm, I though it was you KYMP5 he was talking about. That sucks.
I think technology is to blame. Now that everything is instant, everyone wants stuff NOW, and gets pissed if something doesn't go right-and right this instant. All this crap is ruining society, making poeples lives miserable, and it's a big circle.

Nobody has any time, because they have to get all this work done NOW. Because of the technology and 24/7 ordering, someone has to be working, and then there has to be support for that person.....And when that person is off and wants to get stuff done for themselves, they are gonna expect the same PERFECT INSTANT service from everyone else....which won't happen. So everyone is pissed.

Just my observation....(not directed to anyone)
Like AGR said

IT Procurement Admin
And I will add Customer Relationship Management

In this kind of business is very important sales forecast. Sometimes to have 1.5 million sq feet of warehouse space that is always full doesnt mean you have the right inventory thats why planning the purchases with a sales forecast is so important as to always have what your customer needs and if you dont have it, the communication with the client became the most important thing. Did you know that the 90% of the clients are able to wait for the part they need but only if you inform them it will take longer to arrive?

Imagine you go to a store and you want to buy a pair of shoes :) and when you buy them (you pay them) the lady tells you, Sir this model is only a sample and you must wait until your pair of new shoes arrives what will be your reaction? :( . You will tell the lady, for sure but I did allready pay them :mad: and thats the point people in internet always think, But I did allready pay for them. :wtf:

Internet did change the customer relation and turn it into a very cold relation, thats why clients treat you bad sometimes and you must turn the client into a confident side again.

The terms and conditions in internet (webpage) are a very important page and we as vendors must follow what we say there and if we are going to break the contract we must face it

I know sometimes we have 1000 calls, 400 emails with orders and we dont have time to think about what is going on, but you are doing it right to ask for help and make a little research.

Dont forget:
1. Serve first, sell second: [Customers] believe you earn their business with service that is pleasant, productive, and personalized; if you dont deliver, theyll leave.
2. Get responsive, and stay that way: Research shows that responsiveness is closely tied to a customers perception of good service More and more customers are coming to expect round-the-clock service.
3. Collaborate with your channel partners: In todays complex marketplace, a firm is often dependent on many suppliers to help serve its customers. Embracing these supply chain relationships for the greater good of the ultimate customer creates customer value that is hard for competitors to match.

And the last thing is to be patient dont even show your client you are angry because if you show them that you will loose the fight.
I hope this wasnt too long.
Monica www.carper4mance.com
i work retail.. we get into it with vendors all the time.. s*** happens. -=\ they **** up u let them kno they ****** up
Ceej said:
*cough*bite me*cough*one thread* cough asshole*cough*see my other comments above*cough*

Actually it was two. One about the intake and one about the wiper thingies.