Weight Loss Program

DooMer_MP3 said:
Yeah I pretty much concentrate on upper body, and go every other day or skip 2 days... I need to start working a little on my legs. But I don't care too much about them. :). Thanks for the tips.


if you're really trying to gain muscle mass then you should do 3 sets of 10 (with the last set, you should only be able to do ~8 the first couple times and then if you can get to about 14 at that weight then move up all three sets about 5 pounds). Using myself as an example; my sets have been 55, 65 and 75 arm curls, once I can do the third set more easily then I would jump to 60, 70 and 80. then about 2-3 minutes later you start with your lowest weight and you do 'negatives' (quite possibly the most painful thing because you are actually accelerating the muscles tearing apart so they build more muscle in the gaps) were you lift the weight to its highest point and attempt to slowly lower the weights 'negative' to the motion you were doing before.

if you're looking for definition then you should prolly do 3 sets of about 20 with lower weight counts. the goal (sadly) is to exhaust your muscles and retrain them to a more 'flexed' position...
Yo hit me up! I need to lose about 20lbs. I've just recently started doing this too. I'm just watchin what I eat, when I eat and I've been working out everyday. So far..2lbs lost in 3 weeks.

email: glen__co@hotmail.com
You can come up with all the diet and exercise plans you want but it comes down to 2 simple rules:
1. Calories in vs. Calories out
2. Consistency (you have to stay at it for more than a week)

I applaud everyone on here that is trying or at least concerned about controlling their weight. Obesity is the number one factor for several life threatening diseases and disorders that develop later in life. Take for example all the people who are developing diabetes in this country. It has truly become an epidemic.
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