Water Guards from front speakers

Hey guys. I got a question and a advice about changing front speakers. For those who changed their front speakers, you should know that the stock ones comes with water guards (keeps water from dripping to the speakers). Now since aftermarket don't come with those, should I put the stock water guards and stick them to the aftermarket to prevent water getting to the speakers ? I already took out the water guards from the stock speakers (its pretty easy, their just sticked on with glue), but I don't know if its necessary to put them on the aftermarket ones.
WhiteZoomZoom said:
Hey guys. I got a question and a advice about changing front speakers. For those who changed their front speakers, you should know that the stock ones comes with water guards (keeps water from dripping to the speakers). Now since aftermarket don't come with those, should I put the stock water guards and stick them to the aftermarket to prevent water getting to the speakers ? I already took out the water guards from the stock speakers (its pretty easy, their just sticked on with glue), but I don't know if its necessary to put them on the aftermarket ones.

JUST SO YOU KNOW...there are water guards on the backs too....if you have a p-5...and I would recommend it....it certainly can't hurt....I know I put them on my new speakers. they fit just fine.