

MazdaSpeed3 Black Mica GT
Didn't see a thread about this and thought it might be a good topic for discussion. Who saw the trailer before The Dark Knight? Who has read the graphic novel?

I finished the novel this past weekend and I thought it was great. From the looks of the trailer, they've been pretty faithful to the book I believe.


For those unfamiliar with what I'm talking about:
Movie's website with trailer
Graphic novel's wiki page
Looked to be like a promising flick. I've never heard of the graphic novel before tho...
Looked to be like a promising flick. I've never heard of the graphic novel before tho...

Well worth reading. Took me weeks though to get it from Barnes & Noble. Their stock took a big hit after the trailer came out.

Warning: DO NOT read the plot summary on the wiki page if you don't want to ruin the surprise ending of the book.
I heard they were making the movie a while back and saw the following that it had but never really gave it a second thought. When I saw the trailer, I decided to read the book. Coincidentally, UPS just dropped off the book about 10 minutes ago. Can't wait to read it now.
I never read the graphic novel, but I really want to now.. The movie looks pretty badass.
the book is good, i hope they stick to the book in the movie.