Upgrading my Sub!


2003 Mazda Protege5
im selling my two 10's to go for one sub i wanna take up a lil less space...so i was thinking the ED8a with one of the Avionixx amps in a sealed box...anyone else have any other suggestions? i just wanna take up less room but still make good bass sound...i dunno what all you guys mean with the SPL and stuff so im a newb....explaining helps...:)
SPL is Sound Pressure Level and is related to how loud the bass is. IF you want quality sound with decent bass, then your idea for an 8" ed and avionixx amp is dead on. YOu really cannot go wrong with that setup. Pimpprotege69 is using the 8a and he loves it. I hope to hear it soon to see how it compares to my 12k44
I'm running an eD 10A.22 with 500 watts RMS from a Kenwood mono amp in a small sealed box.

Sounds incredible. Clean, tight, and plenty loud enough for my tastes.
I'd also look seriously into the fiberglassing articles that have been posted. I'm looking to do this, likely very soon for my 12a. because more or less tucking a "box" into a nook and cranny kind of spot leaves MUCH more room for whatever else you may want to carry around. I'd post a link, but I wanna give credit where due and I don't recall the name of the member who posted it. run a quick search and you'll find it. Heck, checkout Rider's box, that's a fiberglassed 12, looks to creep in on space fairly minimally. YOU may be able to squeeze a single 10 into essentially the same functional "space" that you'd need for that 8. Damn this is fueling my fire, I really need to get off my ass here... MUST fiberglass NOW!!!
well hell that fiberglassing stuff makes me really wanna do that! but since i don't wanna live without subs for a while ill make the tiny sealed box for right now and get around to the fiberglass later...do you think if i used the passenger side where jack is that that would be enough volume for the sub?
I don't know if you have any fiberglass experience, but you could do a single 10 in the corner of the trunk. That would sound good and look nice. If it is too much then you can't go wrong with a single 8 in a small sealed box. ED subs work fine in small sealed enclosures.
i def think im going to go with this fiberglass thing i read those articles that sam1 posted and it doesn't seem to hard just requires some time and patience and the right materials...and hey if i can do it in my car who says i can't charge to do it for other people?
I'll hopefully be doing mine soon. And yea, reading the articles it seems just SOOO easy how could I possibly NOT do it? I don't know what you could tuck into Just that jack-area, You'd ideally need to have a speaker and see if the magnet clears, but I'm sure you could extend into the hatch VERY minimally and come up with PLENTY of volume. I'm gonna fill my current box with packing peanuts, then shove them in a bag and see how well I can stuff them up against that corner. Should be able to do 1cuf no prob.
Here's my 10" Kicker Solobaric L5 in my custom fiberglass box in one fo those side areas. I think it's about 1cubic foot.

i wanna do pretty much the same thing you did daviper cept i have the ED 8a so it's smaller and i think it'll fit there awesome...and i figure while im at it im gonna go crazy and do the other side maybe put my amp behind some plexiglass or something cuz i have some neons laying around!
daviper did you try and make your box flat to the edges in the car? you got any pictures of before you put it together