Updated! EECMM 2011 - TAIL OF THE DRAGON - Read Inside!

As always it is a user voted competition for best in show and 4 runner ups! So the top 5 cars will get trophies! :)

We may/may not have additional 'fun' trophies this year. We're still deciding but are always open to suggestions!

Last Year's Trophies!

Let's hope we can keep the sun out the entire time this year!

Because it got a LITTLE soggy last year

Who's got some big things done this year to hopefully not let Cain pull of two years in a row?!

Cain's Beast of a machine that took first place last year
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Hey guys, was wondering if you would let an Illinoin come down for the day on Saturday? My family and I will already be in Virginia Beach for our vacation at that time. Would be really nice to see more Mazda people since MWMF is cancelled for this year.
of course man! Actually several people may be heading up to the VA beach are Friday night as a member is getting married! LOL


But yea, the drive isn't far and it would make a great day trip! (yippy)
Cool, the next thing is that I have to convince the wife that we need to take 2 cars so I can come to the meet. Plus, gas is gonna be higher than hell by summer. Ideas????
Cool, the next thing is that I have to convince the wife that we need to take 2 cars so I can come to the meet. Plus, gas is gonna be higher than hell by summer. Ideas????

I don't know about taking 2 cars... lol but either way hopefully you can make it down!
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