The Ohio Auto-X and Track Event chat thread

Here is the video of the near collision at the autox on Sunday. I had almost the same feeling in my stomach watching it as I did when it happened.

Holy s***, just by watching that I could tell you weren't getting any heat in those tires. WOW!
Dat driver mod to release the brakes to steer to the gap then apply brakes again. Whew!

Daves face is hilarious though.
And THAT is why you're the #1 driver and Will will always be #2.
Sheesh, I couldn't handle being the best if I had to narrowly avoid concrete barriers.
I love the sound of your exhaust Ivan

Thanks buddy! I love it too. I don't think I'll ever change it.

Peaches, it was VERY close. I remember every though that went through my head in that split second. One of them was that there was no way in hell that my car could fit between those barriers. I was wrong.
Thanks for sharing!

So, talk about quick turn around... I just got a call that I may have the car back tomorrow. $730 in damage AND, they're replacing the badge that got hit by a rock in Feb. Happy Phen.