The Minivan Video Your Kids Shouldn't See. Ever.


2008 Mazda5 5MT Sport w/ Popular Package
Who says minivans aren't dangerous? Okay, so it's only a commercial for a young director's film festival, but that doesn't mean your kids won't see it as a training manual. Warn the other parents. Now.

<object style="height: 390px; width: 640px"><param name="movie" value=""><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="390"></object>​

I saw that a few weeks ago myself. The kid reminds me of the original Damien from 'The Omen' lolz.

Is that a Citroen Picasso or something? Whatever it is, I like it. Waaaay more than the updated Mazda5 with the freaky wavy lines!

reminds me of what a friend of mine used to do when in walmart.

when leaving, he would yell stuff like "do I have to go back in the basement now?"