The Chat Room


2002 MP5
wuz up with the chat room in the forum i've noticed that it never works cause i try to chat is it cause nobody else chats or what?? if so i think maybe that thing should open up cause damn that would be a good way to communicate with out havin to make hundreds of posts about things that probably have been posted (silverp5)

remember a zoom zoom zoom and a vroom vroom vroom
I think we tried the chat thing before, but it just didn't work out. When I used to log on at my old job, I was behind a firewall that prevented me from being in the chat room. Other members experienced the same problem. By the time I get home from work, however, everyone is logged off already because of the time difference. Bummer... it would have been fun! I've chatted with people on AIM, and that seems to work better, even behind firewalls.
thanx 4 the reply

hey glad to see some insite as to whats going on in the place. anyways thanx for the reply. very nice pic by the way how old r u if you dont mind me askin?? and maybe i'll see you on here sometime who knows?? i'm always up for meetin new people and stuff..

remember a zoom zoom zoom and a vroom vroom vroom
nice age i'm only 21 i turn 22 in january. not that you care or anything. so do you ever visit AZ?? if so you should hit me up some time and we can go cruise PHX. maybe go to the bars or something. anyways i guess i'll let ya go dont want to come off as some wierdo thats tryin ta pick up on someone that I or U dont even know. any who email me sometime or somethin aight

justin martin

remember a zoom zoom zoom and a vroom vroom vroom
I'm going to see what I can do to pierce firewalls.. I have something in mind. (top secret though).
just let me know if ya get it

well what ever it is your doing just let me know wuz up if you get it going or not or what it requires to get it going....


remember a zoom zoom zoom and a vroom vroom vroom
I can't get into chat here at home and I'm not behind a firewall. Back a few months ago I could get into the room but now I can't connect.
thats exactly whats happening to me i cant connect i get in the room just doesnt connect or anything

and to adragonfly honey, i noticed a few messages you put in the thread about being shaved, trimmed, or jungle style. me personally i had to think about it this way if i were a girl and i am going down on some one would i want a hair ball in my throat. and immediately i got my answer shaved all the way looks nicer anyways. and in retrospect i think guys should have the same respect for women and i like the comment about the paint thing very kinky and seems like it might be alot of fun. well guess thats about it for now.

and remember a zoom zoom zoom and a vroom vroom vroom