test drove RX8

Pardon my ignorance, but why is the auto makes so much less power?

Has a lower Redline due to the torque converter & trans I believe (solidtrance correct me if Im wrong). And it has a 4port engine in 04/05

2006 + they bumped it to a 6 port/ 6 speed automatic which had a little more power.

Biggest thing that makes it "slower" is the inability to launch. Due to the RX8's lackluster low-end throttle response, it takes off like a dog. But as stated above, the RX8 isnt really a drag car regardless.....

I wouldnt recommend an auto to anyone whos an enthusiast however....
It's funny because when you talk about the older rotaries, everyone prefers the 4 port configuration to the 6. Technology!
It's funny because when you talk about the older rotaries, everyone prefers the 4 port configuration to the 6. Technology!

I think a lot of that would change if Mazda would make the Ren motor a little more friendly to boost (lower compression would be a start). If people could make power on the Ren as easily as on the traditional 13b the situation would be totally different. I suspect that the 3rd and 4th gen guys would be putting these Ren motors in their cars as quickly as they could find them. Think about it, the Ren is much more powerful NA than any of the 13b's were, so if it could handle boost we would be off to the races. Pettit and a few others are working on some interesting developments and I have heard quite a few "rumors" of folks finding a way to lower the compression. Once this is figured out and made reliable and viable in the market it should change the game for the Ren motor. Side seals and OMP injection will remain an issue, but the answers for those will follow. I just wish that I had the money to blow engines and be on the cutting edge of these and other developments, however since I don't, I'll continue to enjoy what I think is one of the most well designed and balances cars that has been made in recent history. Oh, and I will discuss these "developments" with all of you here. Happy rotoring! If the weather is good where you are, stop reading now and take your 8 to your preferred cruising route........I'm off to do that now (Sheridan Rd, north of Chi on the border of Winnetka and Kenilworth, the canyon FTW)
don't you think part of the reason its more powerful NA is because it IS higher compression?

and lowering it should just be a matter of figuring out where on the rotor material can safely and effectively be removed.
I can tell you that the MPG you will get is very dependant on how you drive the car. I drove from Chicago, IL to Newberg, NY for the Mazda meet @ OCC and I got the best MPG I have ever seen personally. I got 24.5 MPG on the way out, with the cruise control set to 70 +/-, and 22.5 MPG on the way back cc set to 75. I was very happy with the results. I usually get 16-18 MPG or less around town.
After 4 years of ownership, I typically see 14-16mpg around lake county, 22-23 on the roadtrips. Not the best car for conserving gas but it's not terrible.