Stuff happens!

I had a similar wreck except on the other side of the car. The only damage was to the front end and not the sides as well like yours. I was able to drive away but the ABS Controller is located about the right front wheel. It was completely destroyed, the shop was amazed I was able to use my breaks on my way home from the wreck and on my way to their shop. I took it to a shop i trusted and had done great work for me in the past. There was no damage to the drive train, but overall it came up to something like 15k+ for everything. Good luck man, my insurance company put the cutoff for totaling it at anything over 16K. Now if I make any claim on my car no matter how small they'll total it and drop me. Goodluck, and if the dealerships by you are great go there. I had a lot of problems with Nationally backordered parts. Took 2 months to get my car back.
I pray that you're having the work done at a dealer and not some other shop.

i agree with you on the drivetrain side of the problem but the body work, no way.. i know of 2 shops around my area that could do a way better job with the body work then any dealer, and soon to be including my own shop in that mix.. but i guess it depends on where you live..

on another note

who towed you..i wanna give them a call a cuss them out for being sooooo f*ing dumb... please tell me it was that O'Hare towing that was on tv, they are based out of Chicago.

and to the guy who said the car wont drive the same.. thats correct, if the unibody is messed up on the car.. even if you throw it on a unibody straightner it will never be 100% right.. but from the pictures that doesnt look like that should be a problem, so it may turn out ok..

if i had to put an estimate on that car: 12,000-15,000 or more to fix it including whats totally f:cked up on the drivetrain side, so is it worth it.. its all up too you. do i think it is.. nope..
My comment was simple; most good dealers will have a body shop to match, and, while my experiences with two dealers and their body shops have been good, I'm sure there are bad ones out there too.

Good thing, they'll use OEM-spec parts, make sure they get the right stuff for the MS6, which seems to be a bit tougher now for some shops, and usually follow it up with a warranty as good as any local shop.

In your case, with the potential drivetrain issues, the dealer is the only place it should go, because there are too many variables and potential issues looming for a shop to want to or be able to deal with IMO.
That sucks. Sorry for your loss but glad you are ok. The car that hit you was red?
well the body work im having done at a shop that i know......since i work for a delivery company that delivers auto parts i know a lot of ppl that deal with cars and fix them on a daily basis.....blah blah i know most of these pretty well.....however any damage to the drive train i will try to fix it at the dealer......we will see how it goes.
update: well my mechanic installed just the parts that the car needs to drive. He slowly took it around the block and it seemed like there were no problems with any of the drive train components.....However when I get a hold of my baby ill give her a full test :)
Sorry to hear about your car dude. I had this same problem with my towing company too when I was having clutch problems. I had to convince the damn tow truck driver that it was AWD. Only way I could was that I took out the driver's manual and made him read it. So annoying -.-
sorry about your luck man, that sucks balls. what ended up happening with it? salvage? I could use a drivers side exhaust surround.....?
well heres an update.....sorry for the late response......ok so i got the car back wed on 3-24-2010....when i looked first it was perfect. However i took my gf cause she can see every lil aspects of anything thats done wrong....and i mean it. she found 5 things that were not finished....however i know the guy personally so he gave me a nice discount which put some money in my wallet AND those 5 things he will fix whenever he has some time..he was going to do it the next day however i wanted to drive the car that day so we set some day next week....all in all im happy and the car drives straight and surprisingly DOES not have any problems with the drive trans or anything with the suspension......if anyone needs body work or other things done ask me for his details if you live in illinois and are near the chicago area. his a great mechanic although a lil money hungry (shady) but who isint....all in all im happy!!!! i asked a couple of my buddy's to see if they can see anything they said it dont look after no accident......

p.s - if theres any spelling bad....i wrote this at 3 am after a long day...
Good.. But I have a question on Paint.. Mine has the original paint job and it seems its easy to get chipped? Literally I have had it no longer than 2 months and the paint job has chips and one rust spot very small on the roof.

My last car I had for about 7 years and it never had this problem.

Is the factory paint job just plain sucky? Wanted to know because im sure they may of repainted your car let me know how those panels hold up
yup the factory paint on this car sucks ass.. thsoe rust spots you speak of are most likely industrial fall out or iron deposits though, claybaring the car will take care of that..