Stainless steel door sill, front and rear (scuff plates or molding)

2014 Mazda5 GT - 6 MT - White
Got them in the mail today. It is already night time but couldn't wait, wanted to take the photos now.





USD $59 including taxes and shipping from the Far East.
Got them in the mail today. It is already night time but couldn't wait, wanted to take the photos now.





USD $59 including taxes and shipping from the Far East.
Dude that looks sick! I love them. Although I'm afraid if I added these they'd be scratched to s*** in no time with the traffic I have with my kids. :(
Looks nice. Do they just stick on over the existing parts? I have been eyeing the illuminated ones available in the UK.
I got them from the factory in China.
First time I buy directly from Ali Express website (related to Ali Baba company). Express is the retail site. It is supposed to be like an Ebay. Take a look.

If you scroll all the way to "Transaction History & Feedback" you will see my initials (M***s S. = Marcos S.) and Canadian flag, meaning I ordered from this particular seller.
I thought about the illuminated ones, and they sell them in the same Ali Express website (set of front AND rear illuminated, pretty cool) , but I also have children and I think they would destroy them, so I just went for these ones.

Canadian dealer quote me $300 for the original part CG15-V1-370

Same part is available for less from the UK, but at the end, this deal from China (4 doors) was a good one.
Is this just a stick on?

Yes, it is just the stick on double-sided tape deal.

The metal plate has a black rubber gasket all around, and tape on the back.

Here are some photos that I took today. I have not install them yet, I'll do it on the weekend...



Is that thing durable?? My past experience with these cheap shiny scuff plates is that they get ugly pretty fast. There're called scuff plates for a reason :p It dose look nice (and shiny for now).
Is that thing durable?? My past experience with these cheap shiny scuff plates is that they get ugly pretty fast. There're called scuff plates for a reason :p It dose look nice (and shiny for now).

Well, I got one similar plate before, for the outside (Rear bumper step plate). It was for my previous car, and it was stainless steel from China also (ordered through Ebay, seller was in Hong Kong, item made in China). Obviously it was installed outside at the mercy of the elements, car washes, sand, salt in the winter, etc. etc. It got swirls and some scratches, but overall it was pretty good until I sold the car to get this Mazda. If these plates are the same, they should be OK.

For sure they are going to scratch, not the front ones but the rear ones... because of the children.
No offense, but those floormats mismatch to the seats are truly horrendous....

FOr someone spending money on scuffplates...etc... (obviously you care about looks), you should have gotten black mats to match the carpet and all the black trimmings.
No offense, but those floormats mismatch to the seats are truly horrendous....

FOr someone spending money on scuffplates...etc... (obviously you care about looks), you should have gotten black mats to match the carpet and all the black trimmings.

Ha ha, no offense taken, I just love the mats and how they look. The interior is too black for me, no way I was getting a set of black mats.
Then isn't it possible to color match the mats the seats?

Mmmh, well... I don’t know if this helps, but in person these colors look different. Every photo above was taken with flash, and the color of the seats is over exposed, it looks too light. In reality the seats are darker.

I have a digital SLR and I could try to get the colors again, using aperture-priority mode to get more color accuracy. But to take snapshots for the web I use a small point-and-shoot camera in auto mode, and the flash shoots automatically in 90% of the photos, that it’s not that great.

Actually this point and shoot camera is so bad that I gave it to my child (6 years old) as her camera, but I keep borrowing it for taking photos for upload to Photobucket .
You don't need to take pics on our account. If you say car looks fine on the inside, I believe you.

When I was 6, I wish I had a camera, a digital one at that. I barely had food, much less shoes or camera.

Lucky girl, as all Canadians are!
Hi, I want to buy a set of scuff plates for the same reason. My child scratchet the plastic ones when he enters tha car. Please tell me whether you are satisfied with the quality or not. The product from your link is not deliverable to Bulgaria but I found another offer. Tell me if it could fit to Mazda5 year 2006:
Are you driving Mazda5 2006?

Hello there bbo in Bulgaria. Sorry for the late reply.

I am the original poster and the photos are from my car, which is a 2014 model.

The metal plates at the front are 100% the same as the day I installed them. The ones at the back are taking some beating. One of them came off when one of my children stood on it.