So I got my ass kicked friday night

So I go down to Los Olas Blvd. in Ft. Lauderdale. I was with my brother, and 2 friends. We are at this bar and this kid gets in an argument with my friend. We leave to defuse the situation. We go across the street and the bouncers wont let us in b/c the kids followed us outside and were yelling, so they didn't want a fight in the bar. Next thing you know this kid comes running at me, i duck under his punch and this is where i blacked out. I found out that when i ducked i started lacing into the kid, and absolutely left him in a bloody mess. Well during the beating I got punched from behind by another kid, and this is where it got really bad. It turned into a 15 on 4 fight. One of my friends got pulled away by a cop, another one of my friends had to run b/c he just got out of jail and would have to serve 2 years if he got caught for this. So it was then 15 on me and my brother, and i started getting hit by punches all over my face. My brother dropped to the ground, got kicked but avoided facial contact. Not me. I have 2 black and very swollen eyes, 2 broken knuckles, the bone on teh top of my nose is broken, numerous cuts on my face. I am the only one of the people i was with that looks like hell. But i would love to see these kids we fought, b/c when it was 15 on 4 we were holding our own. I have pictures on my digi cam, but i just got the digi cam 2 days ago and haven't installed the program on the computer, but once i do it i will post the pics. It sucked really bad and i can't get rid of this headache.
holy crap dude, good thing you got out of it...holy crap i want to see the pic. so have got to post them..hope you heal up, and fix them bones
i'd be all "yeah i kicked all 15 of their asses, but the reason im in a body cast is because i got hit by a bus right after"
Roywhitep5 said:
i'd be all "yeah i kicked all 15 of their asses, but the reason im in a body cast is because i got hit by a bus right after"
LMFAO, yup, I'd prolly say the same
it takes a true pussy to pick a fight when he has 15 of his buddies with him. At least you kicked that guy's ass
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What, The One Eyed Monster?

I hope you are ok man
That is just plain stupid for people to pick up a fight
get better soon.

Do you know who those people are, maybe a sue, any witnessess?
well here are some pics, not too bad if you ask me for a 15 on 4 fight...


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sucks man, what happened to the ones who picked the fight, did any of them get arrested? get well.
nice battle scars. I got into a group fight once but it wasn't 15 on 4, it was like 6 on 2, so not nearly as big. Needless to say me and my buddy came out on top, unlike your situation. Luckily there were only 2 big guys on the other side and me and my friend went for them first. Cool story to tell the kids if or whenever you have some. Hope you didn't get in trouble with the popo