Short Notice - April 10 - Mid Ohio Sports Car Course

Can someone near Akron PM me a cell number so I can meet up for the drive down. I live right near 77 76 224
To those meeting us at McDonalds, we'll see you there.
First meeting spot for the Akron cats is the BP on Cleveland Massislon rd off of 224.
What a fun day! It was nice meeting you, Anthony and James. And a huge thank you to Marlon for the ride. I'm still smiling. I'm glad to say my first time on a track was in a MSP driven by a legend. I was holding on for dear life! DaveB, if you get time to upload that video to YouTube or something I would owe you big time. I want to relive that ride every day!(cabpatch)

So much fun. I'm hooked for sure. (ps- nice driving on the highway, Anthony)
So, is everyone else sunburnt like their face has been put in an oven?

It was cool finally meeting you all as well! As my first time to Mid Ohio I enjoyed the entire aspect of it. I'll be around to some more local stuff for sure, so look out for me, especially at Superfly Sunday. Thanks again for letting me be a part of it!

Marlon and Lauri, I don't think I formally introduced myself (didn't want to interrupt you on your breaks) but I was the goofy kid with the SLR...I got some great pictures of you and the RX8 on the track... Give me a few weeks to process them, but then I'll get your address from you and send you a CD of them all. Thanks for letting us come out and watch!

I'll post some straight out of camera pics on here ASAP as well (tomorrow)

Mzd Spd 3- I was wondering if it was someone else from the forums who parked by us! Well, it was nice to meet your car! I'm sure we will see you around!

Thanks again to everyone--I had a blast!

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Glad you guys had fun. Sorry we didn't catch up to you Mzd Spd 3. Next time for sure.

Definitely keep an eye out here in the Ohio section. I'm hoping to do a lot more local stuff that we have done in years past. We've got an awesome group of folks in this state. There's no reason to not get together more often.







Sorry these are low resolution. I have better quality ones if anyone is interested in a CD, just let me know. I took about 250 total pictures, about 50 are pretty good quality or above.
So, is everyone else sunburnt like their face has been put in an oven?

Mzd Spd 3- I was wondering if it was someone else from the forums who parked by us! Well, it was nice to meet your car! I'm sure we will see you around!

haha, yeah thats my red speed on the end in the pict! That must have
been your black speed I was next too. Nice!
Yeah I'm pretty burnt today! Face is like a tomato :eek:

Glad you guys had fun. Sorry we didn't catch up to you Mzd Spd 3. Next time for sure.

Definitely keep an eye out here in the Ohio section. I'm hoping to do a lot more local stuff that we have done in years past. We've got an awesome group of folks in this state. There's no reason to not get together more often.
ok, I'll keep in eye in this section. I had a good time. Next time I'll be running
at Mid Ohio. Hope I can get a good time! :)
I'm planning on some Hocking Hills trips. And Some track days at
Nelson Ledges also. And one of these weekends I was thinking about that
Columbus Cars and Coffee.
So, is everyone else sunburnt like their face has been put in an oven?

It was cool finally meeting you all as well! As my first time to Mid Ohio I enjoyed the entire aspect of it. I'll be around to some more local stuff for sure, so look out for me, especially at Superfly Sunday. Thanks again for letting me be a part of it!

Marlon and Lauri, I don't think I formally introduced myself (didn't want to interrupt you on your breaks) but I was the goofy kid with the SLR...I got some great pictures of you and the RX8 on the track... Give me a few weeks to process them, but then I'll get your address from you and send you a CD of them all. Thanks for letting us come out and watch!

I'll post some straight out of camera pics on here ASAP as well (tomorrow)

Mzd Spd 3- I was wondering if it was someone else from the forums who parked by us! Well, it was nice to meet your car! I'm sure we will see you around!

Thanks again to everyone--I had a blast!


James, thanks for coming out, sorry about the pace laps, we should have made it for today,as they would have hooked everyone up. We'll be @ BeaveRun in June and then back @ Mid-Ohio in July.

Can't wait until the next meet, see you soon.

Marlon (forget i was signed into wife's screen name)
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Hey Marlon,
Nice meeting up with you again and great job out on the track. Here are just a couple of pics I took. Hope you like them. Sorry I got busy today and couldn't make it down again. I will have the CD with pics and the DVD of the in-car with me at VIR.









Nice meeting you Tom, also great job out on the track. I didn't forget about you. Heres some pics.









Dave B, great shots as always! We'll see you soon @ VIR. Now, if you guys are interested, I am working on a deal to get a "Group Rate" on NASA event, I will make a new thread with details.
What a fun day! It was nice meeting you, Anthony and James. And a huge thank you to Marlon for the ride. I'm still smiling. I'm glad to say my first time on a track was in a MSP driven by a legend. I was holding on for dear life! DaveB, if you get time to upload that video to YouTube or something I would owe you big time. I want to relive that ride every day!(cabpatch)

So much fun. I'm hooked for sure. (ps- nice driving on the highway, Anthony)

Evan, you crack me UP!! a legend??? LOL ... don't give him a bigger head then he already has ... so glad you had a fun time in spicy ... sorry we didn't think of it earlier and get you all out there for a session ...

thanks to all for coming out. it's always nice meeting new mazda peeps ... thanks to james and dave b for the pics. i was so glad to see your cameras, as i inadvertently brought my camera, but left the battery at home on the charger ... duh! i did remember it for sunday though ...

turns out the 'touring laps' at lunch time were not all that, i don't think. a registered driver had to drive, so marlon would have had to have driven and it was controlled by a pace car in front and back. why should i do that when i can go on a hot lap with him whenever he's out there, so i didn't even do it. i can see it would be beneficial if you're in group one or two and want to take someone out .. when you can't normally have a passenger. i guess someone last year ruined it for everyone ... bah humbug!

i'm sure we'll be seeing more of each other, now that it's getting warmer and we're coming out of our winter shells ...

until next time ...
Dave, nice meeting you also. And thanks to both you and James for the pics! Pretty awesome.

Too bad folks didn't swing by on Sunday . . . lots more action with drivers spinning, bouncing off tire walls, and plowing into China Beach. Wait, we want to encourage people to do this, right? Eh, it was just a Sunday drive in the park.
Hahaha. My Dad was down there, so I was kinda there. I had a lot to do yesterday or else I would have swung out.

Oh, welcome aboard Tom! Make sure you check out our Winking Lizard thread in this here Ohio section.
Welcome Tom! It was fun to watch you out there and get the opportunity to take pics! Next time I'll have to meet you in person!
Oh, some of you guys may have heard me talking about some of the bad wrecks that have happened, particularly going into the Esses (Madness).

M3's gymnastic routine

Aston Martin's long jump into China Beach

For those that were hoping to see the track, here's a ride along. Not as cool as being out there, but awesome none the less.